Who is the most famous My Little Pony?
Top 10 My Little Pony Characters
- #8: Spike the Dragon.
- #7: Rarity.
- #6: Applejack.
- #5: Fluttershy.
- #4: Discord.
- #3: Twilight Sparkle.
- #2: Rainbow Dash. This pony makes the series 20% cooler.
- #1: Pinkie Pie. Taking the number 1 spot is the premiere party pony of Ponyville.
Who is the most popular MLP Youtuber?
Top 10 My Little Pony YouTube Channels
- #8: Viva “IMMATOONLINK” Reverie.
- #7: FiMFlamFilosophy aka Dawn Somewhere.
- #6: Joshscorcher.
- #5: ILoveKimPossibleALot.
- #4: EileMonty.
- #3: DRWolf001. Dr.
- #2: Fluffle Puff. …
- #1: MLP-Silver-Quill. Taking the top spot is the hippogriff that always brings the funny, even when taking his lumps.
What is G1 My Little Pony?
G1 Ponies refers to the First Generation of My Little Pony toys which were made over a 10-year period from 1982 to 1992. In 1997, production started again with the G2 line (1997 to 2003) followed by G3 (2003-2010) and G4 (2010-Present).
What is rarity’s sister name?
Sweetie Belle (voiced by Claire Corlett, singing voice for seasons 1-3 by Michelle Creber) – Rarity’s kindhearted and innocent younger sister who has “a blossoming talent for singing” and strives to become a fashion designer and gain Rarity’s approval.
Who is the most popular pony?
Top Five Pony Results!
- Twilight Sparkle -516.
- Fluttershy -412.
- Pinkie Pie -398.
- Rainbow Dash -348.
- Princess Luna -302.
Who is the most powerful pony?
Because of her range of studies and her natural talent for magic, Twilight Sparkle truly is the most powerful magic-user in Equestria.
When did MLP 1 come out?
September 15, 1986
Television series
Series | Season | Originally released |
First released | ||
My Little Pony | 1 | September 15, 1986 |
2 | September 7, 1987 | |
My Little Pony Tales | 1 | August 2, 1992 |
What is My Little Pony G5?
Generation 5 (shorthand: G5) is the fifth (and current) incarnation of the My Little Pony toyline. It is currently being released in the Fall of 2021. One of the themes for the brand will be diversity and inclusion.
Is Rainbow Dash a girl?
Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
What is the best My Little pony episode?
My Little Pony: The 10 Best Episodes, According To IMDb
- 1 The Perfect Pear (9.5)
- 2 A Canterlot Wedding – Part 2 (9.3)
- 3 The Last Problem (9.3)
- 4 Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 1 (9.2)
- 5 Amending Fences (9.2)
- 6 Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 2 (9.2)
- 7 Party Of One (9.1)
- 8 The Return Of Harmony – Part 2 (9.1)
Who is the main ponies in My Little pony?
The main pony characters from the show. From left to right: Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy.