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Which state is from wheat bowl of India?

Which state is from wheat bowl of India?

The correct answer is Punjab. Punjab is known as the ‘wheat granary of India’. The word Punjab means land of five rivers. Punjab is also known as the ‘breadbasket of India’.

Which state is known as wheat bowl of world?

Here is your answer, North America is known as wheat bowl Of the world.

Which state is called bowl of rice?

Andhra Pradesh
The main delta of the Krishna and Godavari rivers lies in Andhra Pradesh where the production is maximum and this state is also known as the Rice Bowl state of India.

Which Indian state is called the food bowl of India?

Punjab, a landlocked state in northern India, has a predominantly agriculture-based economy that earns it the nickname the “food bowl of India.” However, experts worry that if the region continues to extract groundwater at current rates, there may not be enough water to grow crops, and the state could be economically …

Why is Uttar Pradesh called the wheat bowl of India?

Originally Answered: What is the name of the largest wheat producing state in India? According to Google, Uttar Pradesh is the largest wheat producing state and contributes nearly 34% of the total production in the country.

Why is Punjab called the wheat bowl?

Answer: Punjab is one of the smallest states of India but is biggest contributor of food grain. It contribute more than 20% of foodgrain produced in India, that’s why it is called the “wheat bowl” of India.

Why is Uttar Pradesh known as wheat bowl of India?

What is known as sugar bowl of the world?

Cuba. Until 1960 Cuba is the largest Sugar Exporter in world so it is been called as Sugar Bowl of the World.

Which state is sugar bowl of India?

Uttar Pradesh
Muzaffarnagar, located in the northern part of Uttar Pradesh is popularly known as “The Sugar Bowl of India”.

What is the sugar bowl of the world?

Until 1960 Cuba is the largest Sugar Exporter in world so it is been called as Sugar Bowl of the World.

Which is the sugar bowl of India?

Which basin is called the football of India?

Ganga-Brahmaputra delta is called the ‘Food Bowl of India’. Discuss. – GK Q&A.