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What was Morocco called before?

What was Morocco called before?

Morocco was known as the Kingdom of Marrakesh under the three dynasties that made Marrakesh their capital. Then, it was known as the Kingdom of Fes, after the dynasties which had Fez as their capital.

How old is Ouarzazate?

Ouarzazate (pronounced ‘war-za-zat’) is a Berber phrase meaning ‘without noise’ or ‘without confusion’ and it’s most famous for the location of the Kasbah-town of Aït Ben-Haddou, one of the world’s finest examples of North African pisé clay architecture dating back a thousand years.

What is Marrakesh Morocco known for?

Marrakech is also known as the city of luxury, thanks to its famous palaces, 5-star restaurants, luxury spas and hammams and charming riads (traditional houses) in the medina. Amongst others, there is the Mamounia and its enchanting gardens, the luxurious Royal Mansour hammam and the refined cuisine of Namaskar Palace.

Why is Morocco French?

The use of French is a colonial legacy of the French protectorate (1912–1956), and French no longer has any officially recognized status in Morocco. It is considered a prestige language in Morocco, and is often used for business, diplomacy, and government, serving as a lingua franca with non-Moroccans and non-Arabs.

How old is benhaddou?

Although the oldest of Aït Benhaddou’s existing buildings dates back to the 17th century, the site has been fortified since the Almoravids, who ruled Morocco throughout the 11th century.

Is Ouarzazate safe?

Ouarzazate is very safe, but don’t wander into weird corners at night. Crime throughout the Moroccan south is minimal, but it’s best not to take (too many) chances.

Is Marrakesh dirty?

Marrakesh is one of those cities that you either love, or hate. It is very colourful, vibrant, lively, but it is also chaotic, dirty and can be at times annoying. If you’re going to the Red City for the first time, then it’s worth reading up on it.

What should I avoid in Morocco?

Things That Tourists Should Never Do in Morocco, Ever

  • Disrespect Islam.
  • Disrespect the monarchy.
  • Use your left hand to eat with.
  • Walk around in beachwear (away from the beach)
  • Expect everyone to speak English.
  • Limit your stay to Marrakech.
  • Expect Casablanca to be like the movie.
  • Think fez hats come from the city of Fez.

Why do Moroccans speak Arabic?

From its independence until the year 2000, Morocco opted for Arabization as a policy, in an attempt of replacing French with Arabic. By the end of the 1980s, Arabic was the dominant language in education, although French was still in use in many important domains.