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What services does Age UK offer?

What services does Age UK offer?

Our local Age UKs run a variety of different services….Not all services take place in every area, but all local Age UKs will be able to help you find what you’re looking for.

  • Cafes and restaurants.
  • Day centres.
  • Exercise & physical activity.
  • Foot care.
  • Handyperson services.
  • Home help.
  • IT Training courses.
  • Social activities.

How old is Cymru?

The history of what is now Wales (Welsh: Cymru) begins with evidence of a Neanderthal presence from at least 230,000 years ago, while Homo sapiens arrived by about 31,000 BC.

Is Age Concern now called Age UK?

The merged charity, now known as Age UK was formed on 1 April 2009, and launched a major branding exercise in April 2010, featuring Brian Cox, Ian McKellen and Eleanor Bron in the charity’s first television campaign.

Where is Age Cymru based?

The Age Cymru network comprises independent local partners across Wales. We work together with Age NI Age Scotland and Age UK to improve the lives of older people.

Can Age UK help with benefits?

Age UK Somerset provides an independent, confidential and free welfare benefits service for older people. We offer advice on benefits for people receiving the State Pension.

Is the Welsh language older than English?

Welsh is not one of the oldest languages in Europe, nor is it any older than English. This is such a common myth and this is precisely why I’m writing this blog post.

How Does Age UK help the elderly?

Age UK’s advice line is a free, confidential national phone service for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals. Our team will give you information that is reliable and up to date and help you to access the advice you need.

What benefits can OAP claim?

Here are some of the benefits for pensioners and older people for which you may be eligible….Hospital Travel Costs

  • Guarantee Pension Credit.
  • Income Support.
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance.
  • Employment and Support Allowance.