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What school district is 65802?

What school district is 65802?


District Name: SPRINGFIELD R-XII schools for this district NCES District ID: 2928860 State District ID: MO-039141
Mailing Address: 1359 E. ST. Louis Springfield, MO 65802-3409 Physical Address: 1359 E. ST. Louis Springfield, MO 65802-3409 Phone: (417)523-0026
Type: Local school district Status: Open Total Schools: 55

What is the last day of school in Springfield Missouri?

School Calendar 2019-2020

School Holidays Starts Finishes
Thanksgiving Break 27 Nov 2019 (Wed) 29 Nov 2019 (Fri)
Christmas Break 23 Dec 2019 (Mon) 3 Jan 2020 (Fri)
Spring Break 13 Mar 2020 (Fri) 20 Mar 2020 (Fri)
Last Day of School 22 May 2020 (Fri)

How many schools are in Springfield MO?

Springfield Public Schools (SPS), also known as the Springfield R-12 School District, is a public school district headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, United States….Springfield Public Schools (Missouri)

Springfield Public Schools
Schools 50
Students and staff
Students 24,309 (2020)

Are schools closed in Springfield Missouri today?

No closings are listed at this time.

How many students are in Springfield Public Schools Missouri?

Our school system is large and diverse, with approximately 26,000 students, about 4,500 employees, and more than 60 schools.

What time does school start in Springfield MO?

School Hours

Morning Pre-K 8:50 11:20
Zanetti 7:50 2:50
South End Middle 8:45 3:30
STEM 7:50 2:50

How many days are in a school year?

Schools are open for 200 days per year, less five days when they are closed for staff training and five optional closure days. The NI Direct website further notes: Full-time teachers work 195 days in any year and should be teaching children in a classroom for no more than 190 days.

What is the biggest high school in Springfield?

West Springfield High School

  • grade B.
  • 1,232 Students.
  • 13:1 Student-Teacher Ratio.

How big is Springfield Public Schools?

26,000 students
As Superintendent of Springfield Public Schools, Mr. Warwick oversees every aspect of the District, which encompasses over 26,000 students, approximately 4,000 employees, 63 schools, and an annual operating budget of more than $500 million.

How many Ami days are allowed in Missouri?

The maximum number of AMI days allowed by the state of Missouri is five. If we have to utilize all five AMI distance learning days, starting with the sixth day, we will go back to the previous system of calling a “snow day” and adding the day to the end of the school year.

What time does high school start in Springfield MO?

School Hours

Discovery High School 8:00 3:20
Duggan Academy 7:28 2:20
High School of Commerce 7:20 2:20
Rise Prep. Academy H.S. 7:35 3:10
Springfield Honors Academy 7:20 2:20