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What makes a voice feminine?

What makes a voice feminine?

“Higher fundamental frequency, greater pitch variability, and increased vowel space were all correlated with an increased perception of femininity.”

What is an attractive female voice?

Their study revealed that males find female voices that indicate a smaller body size—high-pitched, breathy voices with wide formant spacing—most attractive. Females, on the other hand, prefer to hear a low-pitched voice with narrow formant spacing, reflecting a larger body size.

Can a guy have a feminine voice?

It can happen when a full grown men who had undergone physical changes during puberty, but their high pitch voice remains unchanged. For those affected, they actually have a voice problem known as puberphonia. Who has puberphonia? Puberphonia is a condition that usually affects men.

How can I act more feminine?

Appearing More Feminine

  1. 1) Take care of your hygiene. The first step to becoming more feminine is proper hygiene.
  2. 2) Dress in a girly style.
  3. 3) Wear makeup.
  4. 4) Try “feminine” hairstyles.
  5. 5) Embrace your sexy side.
  6. 6) Practice proper posture.
  7. 7) Cultivate good manners.
  8. 8) Speak like a lady.

How can a guy have a more feminine voice?

Transfeminine people can use methods like vocal therapy and vocal training apps to make their voices sound more feminine. This process can transform the voice by changing pitch, volume, resonance, articulation, and melodic intonation.

What is a sultry voice?

A sultry voice sounds confident, and when the speaker laughs, it sounds light and sexy. Singers with sultry voices, like Betty Carter and Emily King, are said to be hypnotic and enticing.

Are guys attracted to voices?

Research has shown that men tend to prefer higher-pitched voices, as it indicates youth, femininity, and a smaller body. But women’s voices change depending on where they are in their menstrual cycle, and are perceived as most attractive in the most fertile part of the cycle (via The Journal of Nonverbal Behavior).

Why do some males have feminine voices?

Smyth and other researchers say some men, both gay and straight, develop more feminine voices because they are influenced by women when they are young. They might be raised by women, or just gravitate toward female role models or friends, Smyth says. But that doesn’t mean that they are gay.

Why is voice feminization so hard?

They may be speaking in a falsetto voice in order to reach a higher pitch, which means the voice isn’t fully activated and therefor sounds thin and artificial. Another reason may be that although their pitch is in a feminine range, they are using dark, chest resonance rather than bright, forward, head resonance.

Can you have the most feminine sounding voice?

You can have the most feminine sounding voice, but if you “manspread” and carry yourself like Connor McGregor before a UFC fight, something will seem off. With all this focus on your voice, it’s easy to forget the importance of fine-tuning body language and social nuances of nonverbal communication.

What makes a language sound more masculine or feminine?

Femininity is associated with softness, curved lines and rounded corners. Consonants that are pronounced in the back of the mouth, e.g. velar (g, k, x), uvular (q, ɢ, χ), pharyngeal and glottal consonants. So if a language uses more of these it would sound more masculine.

Is female sounding safe?

Is Female Sounding Safe? Female sounding and female urethral stimulation is still a somewhat unknown activity. While urethral play, in general, is not something general population knows a lot about, it is undeniable that male urethral stimulation is more known.

Do you think Indonesian and Sundanese sound feminine?

I do indeed think Indonesian and Sundanese sound feminine. •The Slavic Peoples (Western, Eastern, Southern and North Eastern Europeans) : (Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian) •The Nordic Peoples (Northern Europe) : (Norwegian, Finnish, German, Faroese, Icelandic, Danish, Dutch and Swedish)