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What is the poem blessing by Imtiaz Dharker about?

What is the poem blessing by Imtiaz Dharker about?

‘Blessing’ by Imtiaz Dharker is a moving poem about the importance of water to a community. In the first lines of the poem, the speaker emphasizes how hard it is to find water in some parts of India. She also reminds the reader of the importance of water for any person, especially when the climate is so hot and dry.

What is the main theme of the poem blessing?

Blessing is a free verse poem the main theme of which is poverty and the importance of water. It focuses on a slum on the outskirts of Mumbai in India and in particular the reaction of children who come to celebrate and drink when a pipe bursts.

What is the meaning of the word blessing as it used in the poem?

‘Blessing’ is a four stanza poem with some inconsistent usage of end-rhyme, dealing with the major event of a broken water pipe in a deprived slum on the outskirts of Bombay. The imagery used in the poem emphasises the poverty of the people and how important and how sacred drinking water is to these people.

What is bless in the poem for the poet?

Answer. Answer: The poet compared planting of tree with a blessing that the plant gives to his neighbours by planting the tree. He will bring transformation and aid in the growth and prosperity of life on earth.

What poetic devices are used in the poem blessing?

Poetic Devices

  • Simile – “The skin cracks like a pod.”
  • Metaphors – “the voice of a kindly god”, “sudden rush of fortune”, “silver crashes to the ground”. ”
  • Alliteration – “small splash”, “the flow has found”, “polished to perfection”, “the blessing sings / over their small bones”
  • Oxymoron – “liquid sun”

What does the skin cracks like a pod mean?

The skin cracks like a pod. This image of the effect of drought refers to the skin of the earth, which cracks when dry and becomes useless for growing things, and the skin of a seed-pod, which dries up and becomes brittle once it has fallen to earth.

What is the right word poem about?

The Right Word is a very aptly named poem as it is ostensibly about the poet trying to find the truest word in order to describe the person who is at their door.

Where is the poem blessing set?

city of Bombay
Blessing is set in the city of Bombay (known today as Mumbai) in India during the dry season. It describes the effect of water being given to the people through a burst pipe. It is a political poem about poverty and drought, as well as a beautiful description of the physical experience of water.

What is the setting of the poem a blessing?

By James Wright In one sense, there’s no great mystery about the setting of “The Blessing.” We know exactly where and when the action occurs: in a “pasture” along “the highway to Rochester, Minnesota” at “twilight” in the “spring.” The highway reference clearly suggests a modern setting.

What is a blessing according to the poet’s grandmother?

Grandmother often said: Blessed is the house upon whose walls. The shade of an old tree softly falls.

What kind of environment is the poem blessing set in?

Blessing is set in the city of Bombay (known today as Mumbai) in India during the dry season. It describes the effect of water being given to the people through a burst pipe. It is a political poem about poverty and drought, as well as a beautiful description of the physical experience of water.