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What is the Nikon 55 200mm lens good for?

What is the Nikon 55 200mm lens good for?

Its practical 55–200mm zoom range handles group shots, landscapes, portraits and more, while its telephoto capability brings everything closer. Plus, it delivers close-up shots at 200mm with a Maximum Reproduction Ratio (R:R) of 1/3.5x—great for macro-style shots of flowers, insects and more.

What is the Nikon 55 300mm lens used for?

It is an ideal lens to be used for family events and vacations to capture distant subjects, and the use of Vibration Reduction (VR) technology makes it easier to get sharp photographs at slower shutter speeds, especially when shooting at 300mm.

What is the difference between 55-300 and 70 300 lens?

Image quality is the same with both and the 70-300 VR focuses faster. The 55-300 VR is significantly smaller and lighter.

How much zoom does a 55 200mm lens have?

A 55-200 lens would have 200/55=> 3.63x zoom.

What does VR mean on Nikon lens?

Vibration Reduction
Vibration Reduction (VR) is an image stabilization technology that minimizes blur caused by camera shake. Using a VR NIKKOR lens can result in sharp images in low light, under windy conditions or when using a physically large NIKKOR lens, at up to four stops slower (with a VR II lens) than a non-VR lens.

What is the difference between a 200mm and 300mm lens?

On a full-frame camera, at focal length 200mm, the diagonal angle-of-view is about 12 degrees. At 300mm, it is about 8 degrees. In other words, at 300mm, the image captures a narrower part of the scene compared to at 200mm.

What is a 300mm zoom equivalent to?

At 300mm the lens will have the equivalence of a 450mm lens on a 35mm film camera or Nikon FX (Full Frame) digital camera. Many P&S cameras will say they have a 8x or 12x zoom, that just means that the longest focal length is 8x or 12x longer than the widest focal length.

What is a 200mm lens good for?

A 70-200mm lens is a versatile optic with uses for wildlife, wedding, sports, landscape and even portrait photographers. The option of having short, medium and long telephoto focal lengths in one lens with a fast constant aperture gives photographers so many creative options.