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What is the fastest way to raise Curie affinity?

What is the fastest way to raise Curie affinity?

Focus on these actions to IMPROVE your relationship:

  1. Heal Dogmeat in Curie’s presence.
  2. Donate items gained from Miscellaneous Quests.
  3. Choose a “nice” dialogue option when speaking to another character.
  4. Choose a “mean” dialogue option when speaking to another character.

Can you romance Curie as a robot?

We all know that Synth Curie sucks in comparison to robot Curie when it comes to raw firepower, its really hard beating 2 explosive miniguns, 2 fatman launchers, and maybe an Assaultron laser. But usually the downside of that is you can’t romance her due to Emergent Behavior gating her Affinity to 500.

Why curie is the best companion in Fallout 4?

When you first meet Curie, she doesn’t look anything like a human being. In her original Mr. Handy form she isn’t much use in combat, but once you transfer her inside a synthetic body, she becomes the strongest companion in the game with the sturdiest health pools and damage outputs.

Is Curie better as a robot or Synth?

It depends on your priorities in having her as a companion. The robot form is highly customizable, but going with the synth form allows you to obtain her companion perk and romance her (giving you her as a Lover’s Embrace option for more XP).

Can you romance more than one person in Fallout 4?

Simply put, Fallout 4’s romance options are not mutually exclusive. You can flirt with, sleep with, and develop relationships with multiple characters concurrently, with both companions and regular NPCs.

Is Cait a Synth?

Curie, Piper and Cait (1 ,2 or all 3) Will appear as my version of Synth companions. They are a custom race (MG Synths) and can equip custom Head gear, Neck pieces, Mech Skeletons, Underarmor, Underarmor Plates and Bodysuits. Armor slots have several tiers and a wide variety of materials swaps.

Can you have multiple lovers in Fallout 4?

Fallout 4’s romance options are not mutually exclusive. You can flirt with, sleep with, and develop relationships with multiple characters concurrently, with both companions and regular NPCs.

Is Curie better as a robot or synth?

Can synths reproduce?

Since they are biological…it might be possible for them to reproduce. There is a number of possible reasons that the gen 3 synths wouldn’t be able to reproduce despite being biological… Shaun’s DNA was only used to finish the gen 3 synth project(since Shaun’s DNA is unaltered by radiation)..

Can you turn Curie into a Synth?

Effects of player’s actions. Curie can be let out from her laboratory. In addition, she can become a synth if the player character asks Doctor Amari in the Memory Den in Goodneighbor to transfer her memory into a synth body during Emergent Behavior.

Where does Curie go if you dismiss her?

Curie has a verified bug on the PS4 whereupon dismissal, she will return to the medical room in Vault 81. This is regardles of where you send her in the first place.

How do I get Curie to Like Me?

Completing the Emergent Behavior quest gives your relationship with Curie a big boost, and you should be well on your way to the “admire” and “idolize” levels of the relationship. Gaining the Combat Medic perk once Curie has expressed her love for you.

Why does Curie ask for a moment of your time?

Once you have reached friend status with Curie, she will ask you for a moment of your time. Curie feels that her scientific research has plateaued and that her current form lacks “human inspiration.” She asks the Lone Survivor to help her gain a human body.

How do I keep my relationship with Curie High Level?

To keep your relationship level high, you’ll need to avoid actions Curie disapproves of. If you act violently, steal in her presence, choose greedy dialogue responses, or develop a chem addiction, your relationship with her will suffer.

Can You Romance Curie as a robot?

The way the flirting/romance options become available, Curie’s only able to be romanced because she’s experiencing human emotions, a result of taking over the Synth body. I haven’t tried to romance her as a robot, but just from a story point of view, it wouldn’t make sense.