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What is the body plan of Grantia?

What is the body plan of Grantia?

Grantia demonstrates the sycon body plan in which the wall of the colony is folded into a series of internal and external canals that circulate water to bring in dissolved oxygen and prey while removing waste products.

What are Grantia spicules?

Spicules are the mineral parts that form the skeleton of the grantia and are often composed of calcium carbonate or silica.

What is the classification of Grantia?

Calcareous spongeGrantia / ClassThe calcareous sponges of class Calcarea are members of the animal phylum Porifera, the cellular sponges. They are characterized by spicules made of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite or aragonite. While the spicules in most species have three points, in some species they have either two or four points. Wikipedia

How do Grantia reproduce?

Budding and fragmentation allows Grantia sponges to form identical offspring while sexual reproduction permits genetic mixing. Environmental conditions including water temperature, tidal stage, and the phase of the moon need to be near perfect or else sexual reproduction by these sponges is postponed.

What is the scientific name of Grantia?

GrantiaGrantia / Scientific name
Grantia compressa is a species of calcareous sponge belonging to the family Grantiidae. It is a very common species of rocky shores along the Atlantic coasts of Europe from France northwards.

What do you mean by the endoskeleton of Porifera?

Sponges have an internal skeleton that gives them support and protection. An internal skeleton is called an endoskeleton. A sponge endoskeleton consists of short, sharp rods called spicules (see Figure below). Spicules are made of silica, calcium carbonate, or spongin, a tough protein.

What is the scientific name of grantia?

What class is the grantia sponge?

Calcareous spongeGrantia / Class

What does the spongocoel do?

A spongocoel (/ˈspɒŋɡoʊˌsiːl/), also called paragaster (or paragastric cavity), is the large, central cavity of sponges. Water enters the spongocoel through hundreds of tiny pores (ostia) and exits through the larger opening (osculum).

Where did the name Poriferans come from?

The phylum name Porifera means pore-bearing. Sponges take their name from small holes that cover their bodies. The history of life is written on the bodies of the animals that previously inhabited and continue to inhabit earth.

What is water canal system?

The water canal system is a peculiar feature of sponges. The body wall bears many minute pores called ostia. On the anterior side of the body, there is a large single opening called the osculum. Water enters the spongocoel through ostia and leaves the body through the osculum.

What forms endoskeleton in sponges?

Solution : Skeleton of sponges is made of spicules or spongin fibres. Spicules are formed of calcium carbonate and silica.