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What is the best FM radio station in the Philippines?

What is the best FM radio station in the Philippines?

Top Philippines Radio Stations

  • DXWT Wild FM Davao 92.3 FM.
  • Crossover Radio Online.
  • Destiny 9911 FM.
  • Bombo Radyo Iloilo 837 AM.
  • Monster Radio RX 93.1 FM.
  • InFM 88-8.
  • iHeartFm.
  • 92.5 JOUR FM.

What is the number 1 FM radio station in the Philippines?

FM2 Philippines is the number 1 FM Radio Station in Mega Manila based on AC Nielsen Radio Survey on affinity of FM stations towards ABC listeners (index), all people, in Megal Manila.

How can I listen to radio in Philippines?

Radio Stations

  • 99.5 Play FM.
  • Bombo Radyo.
  • Boracay Beach Radio (Kalibo)
  • Channel A radio.
  • Cool (Goa)
  • Cyber Pinoy Radio.
  • DW FM2.
  • DYRD.

What are the Top 10 FM radio stations?

The Best 10 Radio Stations in Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines

  1. 99.5 Play FM. 4.0 mi. Radio Stations.
  2. 96.3 Easy Rock. 2.8 mi. Radio Stations.
  3. 90.7 Love Radio. 2.0 mi. Radio Stations.
  4. Radyo 5 News FM. 4.2 mi. Radio Stations.
  5. Magic 89.9 FM. 4.0 mi.
  6. Mellow 94.7. 4.0 mi.
  7. Monster Radio RX 93.1. 5.3 mi.
  8. JAM 88.3 FM Station. 4.7 mi.

What is the radio station in the Philippines?

FM stations

Frequency Name Company
98.5 FM 98.5 Radyo Natin Kalibo Manila Broadcasting Company (Radyo Natin Network)
99.3 FM 99.3 Brigada News FM Kalibo Brigada Mass Media Corporation
100.1 FM 100.1 Love Radio Kalibo Manila Broadcasting Company (Love Radio Network)
107.7 FM 107.7 Energy FM Kalibo

What are the radio stations in my area?

Our Radio Stations

  • 93.1 JACK FM. KCBS-FM. 93.1 FM. LA’s Iconic.
  • 94.7 THE WAVE. KTWV-FM. 94.7 FM. The Soul of Southern California.
  • 97.1 AMP RADIO. KAMP-FM. 97.1 FM. LA’s Millennial Station.
  • K-EARTH 101. KRTH-FM. 101.1 FM. LA’s Classic Hits Station.
  • KNX 1070 NEWS RADIO. KNX-AM. 1070 AM. Southern California’s Only.
  • KROQ. KROQ-FM. 106.7 FM.

How many FM radio stations are there in the Philippines?

The CIA World Factbook (2015) pegs the number of radio stations in the country at about 1,200 as of 2015. However, citing 2016 data from the National Telecommunications Commission, the MoM puts the number at about 1,500 (416 AM stations and 1,042 FM stations).

What are online radio stations?

Internet radio (also web radio, net radio, streaming radio, e-radio, IP radio, online radio) is a digital audio service transmitted via the Internet. Broadcasting on the Internet is usually referred to as webcasting since it is not transmitted broadly through wireless means.