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What is special GL indicator F?

What is special GL indicator F?

Please check the difference between Special GL Indicators A & F. A – is for Down Payment. F – is for Down Payment Request. You have to configure respective Reconciliation accounts for Down Payment Request (F) in T.Code : FBKP.

How do you get special GL indicator list in SAP?

Select an account type/indicator combination from the list or, to configure a new combination, click Create and enter the following information:

  1. Specify account type.
  2. Select pre-existing special G/L indicator.
  3. Enter a name.
  4. Enter a description for the purpose of the indicator.

What is special GL indicator SAP?

Special G/L transactions are basically down payment requests, down payment made, down payment received, bill of exchange or any other transactions related to customer/vendor. such kind of transactions need to be captured separately and not to be updated directly in the customer/vendor account.

What are special GL transactions?

Special G/L transactions are special transactions in accounts receivable and accounts payable that are recorded in the General Ledger in alternative reconciliation accounts instead of the normal Vendor/Customer reconciliation accounts.


The SAP TCode FBKP is used for the task : Maintain Accounting Configuration. The TCode belongs to the FB0C package.

What is down payment in SAP?

A down payment is a payment made or received before the physical exchange of goods and services. Once the receipt or delivery of goods and services occurs, the down payment clears against the final invoice.

What are the various types of special GL transactions in SAP?

Introduction To Sap Special General Ledger Transactions

  • Down payments (A)
  • Down payment requests (F)
  • Bills of exchange receivable (B)
  • Letter of Credit (L)
  • Payment requests (P)
  • Guarantees (G)
  • Reserves for bad debt (E)
  • Security deposits (H)

How do I reconcile GL accounts in SAP?

When you post items to a subsidiary ledger, the SAP system automatically posts the same data to the general ledger at the same time. Each subsidiary ledger has one or more reconciliation accounts in the general ledger. These reconciliation accounts ensure that the balance of G/L accounts is always zero.

What is the difference between general ledger and special ledger?

A general ledger is your master chart of accounts that shows a list of transactions, you cannot run a business without it. A sub-ledger explains transactions and feeds into the general ledger. You do not have to have a sub-ledger.

What is GL and CC?

In GL you classify the nature of expenses like telephone expenses, travelling Exp. Salary exp etc., whereas by cost center you decide where are expenses were incurred, like Production department, Mkt. Department, HR department etc. 3.

What is chart of accounts in SAP?

The chart of accounts in SAP is a group of GL Accounts that controls the name of General GL Master, number of GL Master and some control information. In other words, it is the grouping of G/L accounts that forms the framework for recording accounting transactions in a structured way.

How do you maintain control area?

Maintain Controlling Area Definition: –

  1. Step-1: Enter the transaction code OKKP in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.
  2. (OR)
  3. Step-2: Select Maintain Controlling Area and click on Choose button.
  4. Step-3: Click on New Entries.
  5. Step-4: In the next screen, enter the below details.