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What is ray diagram in plane mirror?

What is ray diagram in plane mirror?

A ray diagram is a diagram that traces the path that light takes in order for a person to view a point on the image of an object. On the diagram, rays (lines with arrows) are drawn for the incident ray and the reflected ray.

What type of image is formed by a plane mirror?

virtual image
A plane mirror always forms a virtual image (behind the mirror). The image and object are the same distance from a flat mirror, the image size is the same as the object size, and the image is upright.

What is ray diagram?

Ray diagrams help us trace the path of the light for the person to view a point on the image of an object. The Ray diagram uses lines with arrows to represent the incident and reflected ray. It also helps us trace the direction in which the light travels.

What are the characteristics of the image in a plane mirror?

Images formed by plane mirrors are virtual, upright, left-right reversed, the same distance from the mirror as the object’s distance, and the same size as the object.

How images are formed in a plane mirror explain?

Each illuminated point on the object sends beams of light in all directions. Light from the object arrive to the plane mirror, and each beam is reflected by the mirror according to the law of Reflection. The image is seen at the place where the continuations of the reflected beams intercect.

What are the 5 properties of image in a plane mirror and discuss each?

Properties of an image formed by plane mirror

  • The image obtained is virtual.
  • The image is laterally inverted.
  • The image is erect.
  • The size of the image is the same as the size of the object.
  • The distance between the image obtained is the same as the distance between the object from the mirror.

What are the four characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror?

Four characteristics of the images formed by plane mirrors are as follows:

  • The images are of the same size as that of the objects.
  • The images are formed behind the mirrors at the same distance from the mirrors as that of the objects.
  • The images formed are virtual and erect.
  • The images are laterally inverted.

What are the characteristics of an image formed in a plane mirror?

Image formed by a plane mirror is always virtual and erect.

  • The size of the image is equal to that of the object.
  • The image formed is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.
  • The image is laterally inverted.