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What is field-oriented control of PMSM?

What is field-oriented control of PMSM?

The PMSM Field-Oriented Control block implements a field-oriented control structure for a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM). Field Oriented Control (FOC) is a performant AC motor control strategy that decouples torque and flux by transforming the stationary phase currents to a rotating frame.

What is field-oriented control?

Field Oriented Control describes the way in which the control of torque and speed are directly based on the electromagnetic state of the motor, similar to a DC motor. FOC is the first technology to control the “real” motor control variables of torque and flux.

What are the types of control in PMSM?

To control of PMSM drive used different control methods like, scalar control, direct torque control (DTC), vector control, frequency converter method and hysteresis current control (HCC) methods are used.

What is field-oriented control FOC?

Vector control, also called field-oriented control (FOC), is a variable-frequency drive (VFD) control method in which the stator currents of a three-phase AC or brushless DC electric motor are identified as two orthogonal components that can be visualized with a vector.

What is sensorless field-oriented control? Field Oriented Control (FOC) The goal of the FOC (also called vector control) on the synchronous and asynchronous machine is to separately control the torque producing and magnetizing the flux components. The control technique goal is to imitate the DC motor’s operation.

How can I control PMSM?

Vector control in a synchronous reference frame is the best way to control the permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM). The field-oriented control is used to control the spatial vectors of magnetic flux, stator current and voltage.

Why we use field oriented control?

Also called vector control, field-oriented control is the most efficient way to drive electrical motors using orthogonal applied current. In short, you can’t simply control the amount of current needed to generate a certain torque.

What is vector control of permanent magnet synchronous motor?

Vector control is an elegant method of controlling the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), where field-oriented theory is used to control space vectors of magnetic flux, current, and voltage.

How does a permanent magnet synchronous motor?

Permanent-magnet motors A permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) uses permanent magnets embedded in the steel rotor to create a constant magnetic field. The stator carries windings connected to an AC supply to produce a rotating magnetic field (as in an asynchronous motor).

What is sensorless control of PMSM?

Introduction. The sensorless control of the PMSM (permanent magnet synchronous motor) is the technology which, respectively, uses the estimated speed and the estimated rotation angle to replace the actual speed and the actual rotation angle.

How is back EMF calculated in Pmsm?

The relationship between the peak permanent magnet flux linkage and the back EMF is:

  1. k e = N ψ m . The back EMF, eph, for one phase is:
  2. e p h = k e ω . The torque constant is the peak torque induced by the per-unit current of each of the phases.
  3. k t = N ψ m .