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What is feasible in research example?

What is feasible in research example?

Feasibility study – example A hospital, for example, aiming to expand, i.e., add an extension to the building, may perform a feasibility study. The study will determine whether the project should go ahead. The people carrying out the study will take into account labor and material costs.

Why is feasibility important in research?

Feasibility studies examine potential risks to determine whether they’re worth taking. A comprehensive feasibility study can distinguish real economic opportunities from investments that could fail.

What is feasibility explain?

Feasibility describes how easy or difficult it is to do something. When you set a goal at work, think about the long-term feasibility of accomplishing what you want. When people talk about the feasibility of a project, they’re discussing whether or not it can be achieved — how doable is it?

What are four types of feasibility?

Types of Feasibility Study

  • Technical Feasibility. This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization.
  • Economic Feasibility.
  • Legal Feasibility.
  • Operational Feasibility.
  • Scheduling Feasibility.

What is feasibility study and its types?

Feasibility study is one of stage among important four stages of Software Project Management Process. As name suggests feasibility study is the feasibility analysis or it is a measure of the software product in terms of how much beneficial product development will be for the organization in a practical point of view.

What is the most important part of feasibility study?

Economics. The most important part of a feasibility study is the economics. Economics is the reason most projects are undertaken (with some exceptions for government and non-profit projects in which a cost benefit analysis is the primary tool).

What is the most important element of a feasibility study?

Market research studies is one of the most important sections of the feasibility study as it examines the marketability of the product or services and convinces readers that there is a potential market for the product or services.

How do you create a feasibility study?

Conducting a Feasibility Study

  1. Step One: Conduct a Preliminary Analysis.
  2. Step Two: Prepare a Projected Income Statement.
  3. Step Three: Conduct a Market Survey.
  4. Step Four: Plan Business Organization and Operations.
  5. Step Five: Prepare an Opening Day Balance Sheet.
  6. Step Six: Review and Analyze All Data.

What is feasibility and types?

A feasibility analysis evaluates the project’s potential for success; therefore, perceived objectivity is an essential factor in the credibility of the study for potential investors and lending institutions. There are five types of feasibility study—separate areas that a feasibility study examines, described below.

What should a feasibility study include?

The most-common feasibility study should include the following sections:

  • An Executive Summary.
  • Description of Product or Service.
  • Technology Considerations.
  • Product or Service Marketplace.
  • Identification of Specific Market.
  • Marketing Strategy.
  • Organization Structure.
  • Schedule.

What is good feasibility study?

A Feasibility Study is a formal project document that shows results of the analysis, research and evaluation of a proposed project and determines if this project is technically feasible, cost-effective and profitable.