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What is binasal hemianopia and what is its cause?

What is binasal hemianopia and what is its cause?

Binasal hemianopsia is the medical description of a type of partial blindness where vision is missing in the inner half of both the right and left visual field. It is associated with certain lesions of the eye and of the central nervous system, such as congenital hydrocephalus.

What can causes a Binasal visual field defect?

Organic causes of this unusual field defect include brain space occupying lesions, keratoconus, bilateral internal carotid aneurysms, neurosyphilis, optic neuropathy, optic disc drusen and optic nerve pits, retinitis pigmentosa sine pigmento, as well as pneumosinus dilatans of the sphenoid sinuses.

What part of the brain is damaged in hemianopia?

In homonymous hemianopsia, an injury to the left part of the brain results in the loss of the right half of the visual world of each eye. An injury to the right part of the brain produces loss of the left side of the visual world of each eye.

What lesion causes binasal hemianopia?

Abstract. Bitemporal hemianopia is a significant pathological hallmark of a pituitary lesion; however, binasal hemianopia is rarely reported, except for its known association with other ocular diseases rather than with brain lesions.

How does Binasal occlusion work?

Binasal occlusion reduces the amount of incoming stimulation, particularly blocking parts of the image seen by both eyes. Remember, the visual system receives information from both eyes’ nasal visual field.

What are the optic chiasm?

The place in the brain where some of the optic nerve fibers coming from one eye cross optic nerve fibers from the other eye. Also called optic chiasm.

Can you drive with hemianopia?

They also found a significant number of people with hemianopia can drive competently, with 72.7% considered safe to drive on non-interstate and 91.7% on interstate roads (Elgin et al.

Who treats hemianopsia?

You may need to see a doctor who treats the eyes or one who treats problems of the brain. Your field of vision will be tested. This can be done with a visual field test that makes a map of your field of vision. Images may be taken of structures inside the brain.

What is Bitemporal Hemianopsia?

Bitemporal hemianopsia (or bitemporal hemianopia) describes the ocular defect that leads to impaired peripheral vision in the outer temporal halves of the visual field of each eye.

What does Binasal mean?

Adjective. binasal (not comparable) Relating to both sides of the nose.

How does Syntonic light therapy work?

Syntonic phototherapy uses specific light colors, frequencies and wavelengths to improve the body’s regulatory centers in the brain. When light enters the eye, it travels through the brain to the pineal gland and the hypothalamus— the areas of the brain responsible for chemical and hormone balance.

What happens when optic chiasm is damaged?

Damage to the retina or one of the optic nerves before it reaches the chiasm results in a loss of vision that is limited to the eye of origin. In contrast, damage in the region of the optic chiasm—or more centrally—results in specific types of deficits that involve the visual fields of both eyes (Figure 12.8).