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What are the stages of swimming lessons?

What are the stages of swimming lessons?

Step-by-Step: The 6 Stages of Childhood Swim Lessons at Premier Aquatic Services

  • Level 1 – Jellyfish.
  • Level 2 – Tadpole.
  • Level 3 – Minnow.
  • Level 4 – Guppy.
  • Level 5 – Lionfish.
  • Level 6 – Dolphin.
  • Classes for Younger and Older Students.

What is Stage 2 swimming lessons?

Stage 2. This stage is for children who are in full time education and are confident in the water but have had no swim lesson experience. It will help develop water confidence and teach children to be able to swim five metres on both their front and their back.

What type of development is swimming?

Coordination. Swimming uses the entire body, so it’s a great activity to help children with coordination. When your child kicks, he or she is learning to coordinate the movements of both sides of the body. The same is true for moving the arms.

What skills does swimming develop?

Four Invaluable Life Skills Learned From Swimming

  • First, swimming teaches you determination.
  • Second, swimming teaches concentration.
  • Third, swimming promotes teamwork.
  • Finally, swimming can be a powerful tool in learning to conquer fear.

How many stages does swimming have?

It is the most widely known part of swimming lessons for children and is the backbone of swimming lessons for primary school aged children. Each of the seven stages of the Swim England Learn to Swim Framework has a clear set of targets for the pupil to meet so they can get to the next stage.

What do Stage 1 swimmers learn?

Learn to Swim Stage 1 Outcomes Move forward for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor. Move backwards for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor. Move sideways for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor. Scoop the water and wash the face.

How does swimming help with child development?

Swimming strengthens your baby on the inside. While swimming will help to develop their muscles and joints, it also improves the strength of their heart and lungs, and helps to develop their brain. Swimming can improve their sleeping pattern.

How does swimming help a child cognitive development?

Learning to swim can expose young minds to important speech elements such as prepositions, and useful concepts like shapes and colors. Interacting with these new pieces of communication can help them to improve their own use of language.

How does swimming help a child intellectual development?

What does Stage 1 swimming mean?

By completing this Award, with or without floatation equipment or support, you will be able to: Enter the water safely. Move forward for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor. Move backwards for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor.

How many swimming stages are there?

What are the 6 stages of swim lessons?

Step-by-Step: The 6 Stages of Childhood Swim Lessons at Premier Aquatic Services Level 1 – Jellyfish Level 2 – Tadpole Level 3 – Minnow Level 4 – Guppy Level 5 – Lionfish Level 6 – Dolphin Classes for Younger and Older Students

Will my child move faster through the learn to swim stages?

This will vary with every swimmer depending on their skills and experience. If a swimmer has the experience of preschool or adult and child sessions then he/she may move faster initially through Learn to Swim Stages 1 and 2 because they will be familiar with the environment and should be more confident in the water.

What is the swim for Success programme?

The programme is also the most successful programme of its kind in British Sport and is supported by a wide range of awards which can complement and diversify your programme and motivate swimmers. How long will it take a swimmer to pass each stage? This will vary with every swimmer depending on their skills and experience.

What is the learn to swim framework?

The Learn to Swim Framework – an introduction for swimming teachers The Learn to Swim Framework takes a games-led approach to teaching, providing clear progressive stages. Learners should be able to swim 25 metres by the end of Learn to Swim Stage 7. It is underpinned throughout by the Athlete Development Support Pathway principles.