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What are methods used to identify plant diseases?

What are methods used to identify plant diseases?

Laboratory-based techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunofluorescence (IF), fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), flow cytometry (FCM) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) are some of the direct detection methods.

What is plant disease diagnostics?

These kits are designed to detect plant diseases early, either by identifying the presence of the pathogen in the plant (by testing for the presence of pathogen DNA) or the molecules (proteins) produced by either the pathogen or the plant during infection.

What are the others techniques used in examination and detection of phytopathogenic bacteria?

Different techniques (microscopy, serology, biochemical, physiological, molecular tools and culture propagation) are currently used to detect and identify bacterial pathogens.

What are the methods followed by farmers to control plant diseases?

Preventive measures may include using pathogen-free seeds produced in drought-prone regions, hot water for seed treatment, soil solarization, control of plant diseases with germicidal compounds of seeds. Also, crop diseases can be prevented by spraying.

What are four general strategies that can be used to control or prevent plant disease?

One early proposal by H. H. Whetzel included four general disease control principles, exclusion, eradication, protection and immunization (the latter principle is more appropriately called resistance since plants do not have an immune system in the same sense as animals).

  • Why is it important to diagnose plant disease?

    Therefore, diagnosis is one of the most important aspects of a plant pathologist’s training. Without proper identification of the disease and the disease-causing agent, disease control measures can be a waste of time and money and can lead to further plant losses. Proper disease diagnosis is therefore vital.

    What are 4 general strategies that can be used to control or prevent plant disease give an example of each general control strategy?

    Each of these components can be further developed using traditional principles of plant disease control, for example:

    • Reduce the initial plant disease inoculum. Avoidance.
    • Reduce the infection rate. Avoidance.
    • Reduction of the duration of the epidemic.

    Which is an ideal technology for the management of plant diseases?

    Use of disease-resistant plants is the ideal method to manage plant diseases, if plants of satisfactory quality and adapted to the growing region with adequate levels of durable resistance are available.

    What is disease management in agriculture?

    In agriculture, disease management is the practice of minimising disease in crops to increase quantity or quality of harvest yield. Organisms that cause infectious disease in crops include fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasmas, protozoa, nematodes and parasitic plants.

    What is the importance of plant disease diagnosis?

    What are four general strategies that can be used to control or prevent plant disease give an example for each general control strategy?

    Eradication—eliminate, destroy, or inactivate the inoculum. Protection—prevent infection by means of a toxicant or some other barrier to infection. Resistance—utilize cultivars that are resistant to or tolerant of infection. Therapy—cure plants that are already infected.