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What are HTTP handlers and HttpModules?

What are HTTP handlers and HttpModules?

HttpHandler is responsible for handling http request by extension while HttpModule is responding to application life cycle events.

What is the use of HTTP handlers?

An HTTPhandler may be defined as an end point that is executed in response to a request and is used to handle specific requests based on extensions. The ASP.Net runtime engine selects the appropriate handler to serve an incoming request based on the file extension of the request URL.

What is HTTP handler in ASP.NET Core?

The purpose of HttpHandler in standard web aplications is to handle the incoming request and process it and detect the particular resource depending on the extension. For example the request is like – http://localhost/mvc/mvc.html – here this request is asking for a resource with . html extension.

What is MVC handler?

MvcHandler. This handler is responsible for initiating the ASP.NET pipeline for an MVC application. It receives a Controller instance from the MVC controller factory; this controller handles further processing of the request.

What are API handlers?

Use API Handlers to provide your reSolve server with the capability to handle arbitrary HTTP requests.

What is an ASHX page?

What is an ASHX file? An ASHX file is a webpage that is used by the ASP.NET HTTP Handler to serve user with the pages that are referenced inside this file. The ASP.NET HTTP Handler processes the incoming request, references the pages from the . ashx file, and sends back the compiled page back to the user’s browser.

What is ASP.NET Core middleware and how it is different from HTTP module?

Both Middleware and HttpModule are pieces of code blocks which lets two or more components interact together during a request execution. HttpModules are registered in the web. config file of the ASP.NET framework while a Middleware is registered via code inside an ASP.NET Core application.

How do you manage states in ASP.NET application?

  1. Question – We can manage states in application using.
  2. Options – Session Objects. Application Objects. Viewstate. All of the above.
  3. Correct Answer – All of the above.

What is the routing in MVC?

In MVC, routing is a process of mapping the browser request to the controller action and return response back. Each MVC application has default routing for the default HomeController. We can set custom routing for newly created controller. The RouteConfig.

When to use HTTP modules and HTTP Handlers in MVC?

If you want your functionality to only be executed once per Http Request, you should use an HttpModule. ActionFilters may be executed several times in a single trip to the server. To explain HTTP Modules and HTTP Handlers, HTTP module and HTTP handler are used by MVC to inject pre-processing logic in the request chain.

How many HTTP Handlers are there for a specific request?

There is always only one HTTP handler for a specific request but there can be multiple HTTP modules. You implement IHttpHandler class and implement ProcessRequest method and IsResuable property. IsResuable property determines whether handler can be reused or not.

Why do we need httpmodule in MVC?

So even in MVC, to implement a HTTP Module and HTTP handler, you will need to implement corresponding interface. If you want your functionality to only be executed once per Http Request, you should use an HttpModule. ActionFilters may be executed several times in a single trip to the server.