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Is 50 year old hyphenated?

Is 50 year old hyphenated?

Never hyphenate years and old while leaving the preceding number detached, and never hyphenate fifty and year without also including old in the hyphenated string of words; “fifty-year old man” refers to an old man who is fifty years, which is nonsensical.

Is 65 year old hyphenated?

If the age comes after the noun that it describes, don’t hyphenate it. Here’s an example. My mother just turned 65 years old.

How do you write 35 years old?

Hyphenating Year Old So, if the phrase tells the age of a person, place, or thing, then it should be written as “year-old.” This adjective will also go before the noun in the sentence. You will also put a hyphen between year old and the number that comes before it. For example, “35-year-old adult” is written correctly.

How do you write 20 years old?

That is, when the phrase is describing the age of a person, place, or thing, and it precedes that noun in a sentence, then it should be written as year-old. In such cases, a hyphen should also connect year old to the number that precedes it (for example, “20-year-old girl”).

How do you write 55 years old?

First we’ll talk about when you do hyphenate an age: You do it when the age is acting like a noun and when the age is an adjective that comes before the noun and modifies the noun. In this example, the age—70-year-old—is used as a noun, and you hyphenate it: That 70-year-old with a purple hoodie loves Justin Bieber.

Do you hyphenate 5 year old?

A suspended hyphen is used when you have two or more hyphenated phrases that end the same way. In situations like this, you can use the hyphen after the first word or phrase and “suspend” the rest of the phrase until the second one. For example, The kindergarten class has both 4- and 5-year-olds as students.

Is 21 year old hyphenated?

Summary: When to Hyphenate Year Old Here’s the rule, Hyphenate when expressing ages as adjectives before a noun or as substitutes for a noun. The 21-year-old woman gave a presentation.

Is 29 year old hyphenated?

When to Hyphenate Year Old “Year old” should be hyphenated when it modifies a noun that follows it. That is, when the phrase is describing the age of a person, place, or thing, and it precedes that noun in a sentence, then it should be written as year-old.

Do you hyphenate 4 year old?

In the second sentence, you would, making it four-year-old boy. This is because the phrase four year old is modifying the noun boy. If the sentence is simply stating that someone or something is so many years old, then don’t use a hyphen: Her dad turned sixty years old today.

How do you spell 12 years old?

A 12-year-old child is 12 years old. That is, when the adjectival phrase (12-year-old) comes before the noun it modifies (child), it is hyphenated, and it is unhyphenated when it comes after the noun it modifies.

Should 10 year old be hyphenated?

In this example, 10-year-olds is acting as a substitute for a noun, so we hyphenate it.

Do you hyphenate 15 year old?

Summary. So to sum up, you hyphenate an age when it’s a noun or when it’s a modifier that comes before a noun. The main time you don’t hyphenate an age is when it comes after the noun it modifies. Ages are like every other compound modifier that way: you hyphenate them before the noun but not after the noun.