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How tall is Lee Taemin?

How tall is Lee Taemin?

5′ 9″Lee Tae-min / Height

What kind of person is Taemin?

He didn’t have a public social media account until 2019, which he opened for his fans on his 26th birthday. For his overall personality type, it’s easiest to describe Taemin today as a well-adjusted introvert. To quote him, he has said that he’s not an introvert but definitely is a person who needs time to himself.

What are Taemin fans called?

Taemin fans are Taemints.

Did Taemin get discharged?

Taemin will be completing his mandatory military period approximately on November 27th, 2022, finishing his 320 days of service starting from May 31st, 2021. The discharge date can change as at times, artists get discharged early for performing exemplary service.

Was Taemin harassed in the military?

Trigger warning: sexual harassment and suicide On January 14, fans were shocked when it was reported that SHINee’s Taemin was suffering from depression and anxiety. He had been diagnosed before he enlisted but it had gotten worse in the military.

Is Taemin shy?

“When I first debuted, I was shy. I was defensive at the time.” These days, the popular singer tries to be openly honest. “I’ve become bolder,” he added.

Is Taemin Lee Soo Man favorite?

While all four members of SHINee are obviously loved by Lee SooMan, many fans have stated that TaeMin is basically like a son to the agency’s head. Whatever he wants to go for, he seems to have Lee SooMan’s full support.

What is the SuperM fandom called?

For a long time superm’s(kpop group created by SM entertainment) fans remained unnamed, that’s why fans started calling themselves spermies. We want this fabulous and relevant name to be our fandoms official name.

Who is the Super M leader?

Leader, Main Vocalist As the enigmatic leader of SuperM and also known as the ‘Genius Idol’, BAEKHYUN was part of EXO and the first artist to pursue a solo career with more than one million in album sales. Not only is BAEKHYUN talented in music, the star is also an outstanding actor.