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How long is CPI Blue Card good for?

How long is CPI Blue Card good for?

To ensure your proficiency and prevent training drift, renew your skills every two years at a training program taught by CPI. This will build your expertise as a Certified Instructor.

Is CPI evidence based?

Is CPI training evidence-based? Absolutely. With more than 11 million professionals trained across a spectrum of industries, the list of measurable outcomes achieved with CPI solutions is constantly growing.

What are the 4 principles the philosophy of CPI is based on?

CPI remains on the forefront of critical issues and best practices in behavior management based on its founding philosophy of providing Care, Welfare, Safety, and SecuritySM for everyone involved in a crisis moment.

What are CPI programs?

The Crisis Prevention Institute’s (CPI) Enhanced Nonviolent Crisis Intervention certification program is designed to provide participants with the knowledge required to respond early and effectively, allowing the staff member to prevent or defuse a behavioral escalation.

What is a blue CPI Card?

Provides a simple and convenient digital version of your Blue CardTM. Keeps your training history in one convenient place. Allows you to access training details anytime/anywhere via the CPI website. Gives you the option to print a confirmation of attendance whenever you need it.

How do I find the CPI?

To find the CPI in any year, divide the cost of the market basket in year t by the cost of the same market basket in the base year. The CPI in 1984 = $75/$75 x 100 = 100 The CPI is just an index value and it is indexed to 100 in the base year, in this case 1984. So prices have risen by 28% over that 20 year period.

Who is the CEO of Crisis Prevention Institute?

Tony Jace
Life Skills for Crisis Moments – Tony Jace, CEO of Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI)

What is the current CPI for 2021?

Over the 12 months from January 2021 to January 2022, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 7.5 percent. This is the largest 12-month increase since the 12-month period ending February 1982. Food prices increased 7.0 percent over the past year, while energy prices rose 27.0 percent.

What is NCI certification?

The Crisis Prevention Institute’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) certification program is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to respond early and effectively to prevent or defuse a behavioral escalation.