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How do you beat Odolwa?

How do you beat Odolwa?

Link can attack Odolwa with his sword to stun him, leaving his weak point exposed. More Deku Flowers were also added to the boss room, so Deku Link can drop Deku Nuts on Odolwa’s head to stun him. He can also knock Odolwa to his knees using his sword after an attack.

How do you beat Odolwa in Majora’s Mask n64?

Because it is so well guarded, your best plan of attack is to use the many Flower Pads around the room and fly into the air. As Odolwa looks around for you, fly overhead and drop a Deku Nut on his head. It will stun him and open up his giant eye – which you can snipe with your bow or slash with your sword.

How tall is Odolwa?

Odolwa is the boss of Woodfall Temple from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask….

Height Around 8’9″
Weight Unknown
Alignment Chaotic Evil

How do I fight Gyorg?

To defeat Gyorg, Link must use either his Bow or his Boomerang-fins as Zora Link to stun it. He must then dive in the water to attack Gyorg. Zora Link’s electrical barrier is particularly effective at this stage. Alternatively, Zora Link can stun Gyorg in the water using his fins or his electrical attack.

How many bosses are in Majora’s Mask?

One of the many ways Majora’s Mask is unique to the franchise is that it only has four dungeons, which is far less than previous entries. This means that there are only four main bosses on top of the final bosses.

How do you use scent mask?

The Mask of Scents looks like the face of a pig and Link can use it to sniff out Magic Mushrooms (In the toilet of the Stock Pot Inn and in a pair of underwear in one of the rooms in the same house). The Magic Mushrooms may be used at the Magic Hags’ Potion Shop to make Blue Potion.

What to do after getting Odolwa remains?

After defeating the boss and claiming Odolwa’s Remains , grab the Heart Container and enter the light. Here you’ll enjoy a scene and learn the Oath to Order . Next, you meet the Deku Princess who wasn’t really captured to begin with! Use your Bottle to collect her inside.

How many hits does Twinmold take?

In order to stun Twinmold, it has to be hit ten times or hit with three combos to knock him down while he is flying. If Twinmold burrows while flying, the stun counter will reset. Alternatively, Link can throw one of the two giant boulders at Twinmold to stun it immediately.

How many times do you have to hit Gyorg?

At that time, get back to the platform, shoot an arrow, and repeat the process of stun locking Gyorg (it will be killed after two hits).

How did skull kid get Majora mask?

Before the events of Majora’s Mask he was found by Tatl and Tael during a rainstorm. They eventually befriended, but the Skull Kid’s mischief leads to the Happy Mask Salesman, and he then steals a mysterious mask from him. The mask’s power then took him over.

Who is Fierce Deity Link?

Fierce Deity Link is one of the transformations Link turns into in Majora’s Mask, achieved by wearing the Fierce Deity’s Mask. This transforms him into a mysterious and powerful warrior resembling his adult self (and shares same voice). It is one of four Mask transformations in the game.

What does the pig Mask do in Majoras Mask?

The Mask of Scents looks like the face of a pig and Link can use it to sniff out Magic Mushrooms (In the toilet of the Stock Pot Inn and in a pair of underwear in one of the rooms in the same house).

Who is Odolwa in majora’s mask?

Odolwa is the Boss of Woodfall Temple in Majora’s Mask. He is a tall, tribal blade dancer whose body is covered in tattoos. He wields a gigantic Sword several times the size of Link. Odolwa imprisoned one of the Four Giants, as well as the Deku Princess, within his temple.

What happens after Odolwa is defeated?

Once Odolwa has been defeated, Link will receive a Heart Container and Odolwa’s Remains, freeing the guardian Giant of Woodfall. The Giant, as thanks for the rescue, will teach the young hero the ” Oath to Order ,” the song which can call the Four Giants.

How does Odolwa beat link?

Odolwa attacks mostly with his Sword which has a long reach, making Link vulnerable as soon as he gets close to him. Odolwa will also defend himself using a large Shield, which makes hitting him more difficult. Odolwa is capable of making a ring of fire appear around Link.

How do you get the giant of Woodfall from Odolwa?

Odolwa is also vulnerable to Bombs or any explosive object, such as the Blast Mask or Bomb Flowers, which can be found along the edges of the room. Once Odolwa has been defeated, Link will receive a Heart Container and Odolwa’s Remains, freeing the guardian Giant of Woodfall.