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How do I open a post box account?

How do I open a post box account?

Apply online: Find, reserve, and pay for a box at a Post Office near you. Pick up your keys in person: Take your completed application and 2 forms of ID to the Post Office (where your box is) to get your keys. Get mail at your convenience: Flexible hours allow you to check your PO Box on your schedule.

How do I set up a new USPS mailbox?

Where to Place the Mailbox

  1. Position your mailbox 41″ to 45″ from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry.
  2. Place your mailbox 6″ to 8″ back from the curb.
  3. Put your house or apartment number on the mailbox.

What is a form 1093?

Customers applying for new Post Office™ box service will need to submit a PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box Service, October 2008, and customers applying for caller service will need to submit a PS Form 1093-C, Application for Post Office Caller Service, October 2008.

Are USPS boxes free?

How Can I Get Free USPS Boxes? You can order free boxes and envelopes online at the USPS store. The Postal Service will even deliver the supplies to your door for free. Most boxes will typically come in packs of 10 or 25, so keep that in mind as you complete your order.

How do I get a new mailbox for my house?

At your local post office, ask a clerk about speaking with the Postmaster to register a mailing address for your new construction. The Postmaster will review your deed and identification, then provide you with paperwork to fill out on site. The Postmaster will photocopy everything to file with the paperwork.

What do you do if your house doesn’t have a mailbox?

If you have moved into a home that is in a rural area and you’ve noticed there’s no mailbox, you should call your local post office to find out whether you live at a deliverable address. Often post offices will offer a PO Box to those who can’t receive mail at their home directly.

Where do I get a PS Form 1093?

Pay at any SSK: Find an SSK at or by downloading the mobile application at PS Form 1093, August 2019 (Page 1 of 4) PSN 7530-02-000-7165. See our Privacy Act Statement on page 4 of this form.

What is Form 1093 for PO Box?


ID Title
PS Form 1093 Application for Post Office Box Service
PS Form 1093-A Application for Post Office Box™ Service Automatic Recurring Renewal Payment
PS Form 1093-A-S Application for Post Office Box™ Service Automatic Recurring Renewal Payment (Spanish Version)
PS Form 1093-C Application for Post Office Caller Service

Is it cheaper to use USPS boxes or your own?

Cut on shipping costs With medium and large flat rate boxes offered by the USPS for free, it’s a great, cost-cutting option. But be warned: Even though you get these boxes for free, you may end up paying $10 more than when you use your own box and ship with a different USPS service that offers better rates.

Can I walk into USPS and get boxes?

Nada. Nothing. No cost to you whatsoever. As long as you’re after USPS Priority Mail packaging, you can either pick up free boxes by walking into your local Post Office, or you can order them online on the USPS website.

What are the requirements to get a post office box?

– Valid driver’s license or state ID card. – Military, government, university, or recognized corporate ID. – Passport, alien registration card, or certificate of naturalization. – Current lease, mortgage, or deed of trust. – Voter or vehicle registration card. – Home or vehicle insurance policy.

How to apply for a post office box?

– buy and sell goods online – want a professional address – live in shared accommodation

How do you get a post office box?

Online Application.

  • Creating An Automated Payment System.
  • Linking a New Account With An Existing Account.
  • Submitting An Application At The Post Office.
  • Required Identities (IDs) Two acceptable forms of identification (one photo and one non-photo) are necessary whether you apply online or at a Post Office.
  • Sizes Of Postal Boxes.
  • How do I pay my post office box?

    Apply online: Find,reserve,and pay for a box at a Post Office near you.

  • Pick up your keys in person: Take your completed application and 2 forms of ID to the Post Office (where your box is) to get your keys.
  • Get mail at your convenience: Flexible hours allow you to check your PO Box on your schedule.