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How do I get a Cypriot passport UK?

How do I get a Cypriot passport UK?

All Cypriot Citizens above the age of 12 are obliged under the relevant Law of the Republic of Cyprus to issue an ID card, while they are eligible for applying for a Republic of Cyprus passport. Persons wishing to apply for a Republic of Cyprus ID/passport must apply in person to the Consulate General in London.

Can I apply for a Cypriot passport?

Application for Cyprus citizenship can be submitted by foreigners, who have completed a total of 7 years of legal residence in Cyprus (2555 days of staying in Cyprus) before the application date. The applicant must have resided continuously in Cyprus through the last 1 year before applying.

How much does a Cypriot passport cost?


Cypriot passport
Purpose Identification
Eligibility Cypriot citizenship
Expiration 10 years (adults) 5 years (minors)
Cost €70 (adults) €45 (minors)

How many Embassy are there in Cyprus?

43 Embassies
There are about 34 Foreign Embassies and 51 Consulates placed in the territory of Cyprus. Cyprus itself in total counts near 43 Embassies and 118 Consulates spread all over the world.

Can you apply for a Cypriot passport online?

Only holders of Cypriot ID can submit a passport application. In person submission of applications at the High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Pretoria is required for the collection of the applicant’s biometric information (photo, signature and finger prints) by a consular officer.

How long does it take to get a Cyprus passport?

3-4 months
After a consultation, the individual submits the citizenship application and all other documents to the Cypriot Ministry of Interior. The process should take a total of 3-4 months.

How can I get Cyprus visa from UK?

Sample of the Business Travel Requirements for an Cyprus Visa for UK Citizens

  1. Hold a passport valid at least six months on entry with two blank pages and issued in the previous 10 years.
  2. Hold proof of sufficient funds.
  3. Hold proof of onward/return travel.
  4. Hold proof of valid travel insurance that includes medical cover.