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How do I beat Kael thas?

How do I beat Kael thas?

When soloing Kael’Thas at level 90, the most challenging part of the fight is when you have to fight all four advisors at once. Use all of your cooldowns and kill Capernian as quickly as possible or she will repeatedly disorient you.

Is vashj harder than Kael thas?

About 21% of all raiding guilds have downed Solarian, but only 9% have continued on to “kill” Kael. In other words, the difficulty of Solarian to Leo is nearly the same, but Kael is much harder than Vashj, even.

How many pieces of loot does Kael’thas drop?

Kael’thas’ Advisors He spawns seven powerful legendary items which you have to fight, defeat and then equip in order to defeat Kael’thas. These items are usable only during the encounter; reseting the encounter, wiping, or releasing to the graveyard will cause them to desummon.

How do you beat Kael’thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep?

Tips for Ranged on Kael’thas Sunstrider During Weapon Phase, Hunters should focus fire the Netherstrand Longbow and keep it facing away from the raid, to avoid Multi-shot damage hitting other raid members. If a Phoenix Egg is up, you must burn it down quickly! Interrupt Kael’thas whenever he casts Fireball.

How hard is Kael thas?

Its an insanely complex fight that requires a ton of coordination, and it was very tightly tuned. Even going back in t6 gear it was extremely tough.

How many tanks do you need for Kael thas?

One Tank should tank Kael’thas on the stairs. One Tank should pick up the Phoenix adds that spawn periodically and move it away from the raid. Use the Phaseshift Bulwark to absorb damage from Kael’s Pyroblasts.

How do I go down vashj?

At 70%, Vashj runs to the middle of her platform and surrounds herself in a shield that makes her invulnerable. To take down the shield, the raid must deactivate the four Shield Generators around her by using a Tainted Core (from the Tainted Elementals) on each.

What weapon should I pick up Kael thas?

Tips for Healers on Kael’thas Sunstrider Absolutely pick up Cosmic Infuser after the Weapon Phase, as it is extremely powerful for healers.

What level is Tempest Keep?

level 69-70++

Tempest Keep
TK, several instances
Race(s) Blood elf Satyr Mo’arg Gan’arg Demon
Advised level 69-70++
Player limit 5-25