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Does the Bible mention Pontius Pilate?

Does the Bible mention Pontius Pilate?

In the King James Version of the Bible it is translated as: And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. The modern World English Bible translates the passage as: and they bound him, and led him away, and delivered him up to Pontius Pilate, the governor.

How did Pontius Pilate died in the Bible?

According to some traditions, the Roman emperor Caligula ordered Pontius Pilate to death by execution or suicide. By other accounts, Pontius Pilate was sent into exile and committed suicide of his own accord. Some traditions assert that after he committed suicide, his body was thrown into the Tiber River.

Why did Pontius Pilate crucify Jesus?

The Gospels portray an indecisive Pilate. They dragged him before Pilate to be tried for blasphemy—for claiming, they said, to be King of the Jews. And they pressured Pilate, the only one with power to impose a death sentence, to call for his crucifixion.

Why was Pontius Pilate afraid of Jesus?

He was terrified of the people! Pilate was also afraid of Jesus. The Governor was under the impression that Jesus was simply claiming to be “King of the Jews,” but it says once Pilate found out that Jesus was claiming to be the Son of God “he was even more afraid” (John 19:8).

Did Jesus tell Pilate He was the King of the Jews?

In Mark 15:2, Jesus confirms to Pilate that he is the King of the Jews and says nothing further. In John 18:34, he hints that the king accusation did not originate with Pilate but with “others” and, in John 18:36, he states: “My kingdom is not of this world”.

Why did Pilate wash his hands in the Bible?

In St. Matthew’s gospel, Pontius Pilate ‘washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person’. This was to show the crowd he did not want Jesus dead, but ordered his death because that is what the people wanted. He was washing his hands of the responsibility.

What nationality was Pontius Pilate?

RomanPontius Pilate / Nationality

What happened to Pilate’s wife?

The text ends with Pilate’s wife and Pilate, as well as their two children, being crucified twice, once by the Jews and once by Tiberius, for their faith.