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Can you quote other authors in your book?

Can you quote other authors in your book?

It’s perfectly okay to quote an excerpt of another author’s work in your writing, but it’s not always okay to do so without permission. If you don’t want to be sued for copyright infringement, it’s important to know when you need permission and when you don’t.

Can you quote famous people in a book?

You DON’T need permission: To use quotes from famous people as long as they are used in a brief and positive or neutral way to support your independent work – and with proper attribution. To quote or reference the title or author of a work such as books, poems, movies, TV shows or songs.

Do you need permission to write about someone in a book?

Some of the most common questions I hear from picture book biography writers: Q: Do I need permission to write a picture book biography about somebody, living or dead? A: Permission is technically not required if the biography subject is a public figure unless their estate has created a kind of legal fortress.

How much can I quote without violating copyright?

One publisher requires permission for using 25 words or more from any one source, aggregate over the entirety of your book. This means if you quote 16 words in one place and 10 words in another, you must get written permission.

Can you use other people’s quotes?

Quotes are considered intellectual property, which is protected under the law. This means that if you’re not a quote’s original author and you want to SELL something with the quote on it, one of two things must be true: 1. You have the author’s written permission to use their words on your work.

Can I quote someone in my book?

If you’re seeking permission to quote from a book, look on the copyright page for the rights holder; it’s usually the author. However, assuming the book is currently in print and on sale, normally you contact the publisher for permission. You can also try contacting the author or the author’s literary agent or estate.

What is it called when you write a book about someone else?

biography. noun. a book that someone writes about someone else’s life. A book that someone writes about their own life is called an autobiography.