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Are there speed restrictions on the M1?

Are there speed restrictions on the M1?

“The 60mph speed limit on this section of the M1 is part of our wider activity to manage air quality levels alongside the motorway network and major A-roads in England to ensure they are compliant with air quality limits for NO2 in the shortest timescale possible.”

Do speed cameras on M1 flash?

So yes, the cameras can flash you at any time, even if the screens are off.

Are motorway variable speed limits enforceable?

Are variable speed limits enforceable? Variable speed limits on smart motorways are legally enforceable. Speed cameras are in place to enforce them.

What are variable speed limits for?

A variable speed limit is a flexible restriction on the rate at which motorists can drive on a given stretch of road. The speed limit changes according to the current environmental and road conditions and is displayed on an electronic traffic sign. Signs typically indicate a maximum speed and may also list the minimum.

Can you drive at 50 mph on a motorway?

Generally, to be fined for driving too slowly on the motorway, you need to be causing some kind of an issue for other drivers around you. In the case that you’ve outlined, where your friend is the support vehicle for you, it’s unlikely that you would be fined for driving at around 50 mph.

Can I contest a variable speed limit fine?

Responding to an NIP isn’t an admission of guilt. You’ll still have a chance to appeal, even after you confirm that you were driving the vehicle at the time of the incident. In some cases, you might be able to avoid the fine and the penalty points through taking a speed awareness course.

Are variable speed cameras average speed?

Variable speed cameras work in a similar way to average speed cameras, but they’re unlikely to be in operation 24/7. They tend to be used on smart motorways when the speed limit is lowered to ease congestion or in the event of poor weather or some other hazard.

What happens if you go over variable speed limit?

The fines for breaking a variable speed limit are exactly the same as they are for regular speeding offences. But more severe offences can bring more severe penalties. In extreme cases, you may get a court summons, or even disqualified from driving.

Can you go over 70 on the motorway?

The 70mph speed limit on motorways was introduced in 1965 because of the high number of collisions caused by drivers going as fast as they liked. The 70mph limit is the front line of motorway safety, the importance of which is underlined by heavier penalties for speeding than on other roads.