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Are there male Caryatids?

Are there male Caryatids?

An atlas or telamon is a male version of a caryatid, i.e. a sculpted male statue serving as an architectural support.

What is the Erechtheum famous for?

ionic temple of Athena
Erechtheum, ionic temple of Athena, built during 421–405 bc on the Acropolis at Athens, famous largely for its complexity and for the exquisite perfection of its details.

How was the temple of Athena Nike destroyed?

Greece, which was under the control of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 when they conquered Constantinople. The temple sat untouched until it was demolished in 1686 by the Turks who used the stones to build defenses. In 1834 the temple was reconstructed after the independence of Greece.

What is the story behind the Erechtheion?

The Erechtheion (or Erechtheum) is an ancient Greek temple constructed on the acropolis of Athens between 421 and 406 BCE in the Golden Age of the city in order to house the ancient wooden cult statue of Athena and generally glorify the great city at the height of its power and influence.

Who is Kapyatie?

Kapyatie: is one of the most important Greek goddesses in classical mythology. Artemis: Artemis was one of the most appreciated of the ancient Greek gods, Artemis was the goddess of chastity, virginity, hunting, the moon and the natural environment.

What is a caryatid person?

Caryatid is a sculpted female figure serving as architectural support in the place of a column or a pillar. Its purpose in architecture is mainly decorative. The most famous Caryatids are the ones of Erechtheion on Acropolis Hill, Athens.

How was the Erechtheion destroyed?

During the Greek War of Independence the building was bombarded by the Ottomans and severely damaged, the ceiling of the north porch was blown up and a large section of the lateral walls of the cella was dismantled. The Erechtheum went through a period of restoration from 1977 to 1988. References: Wikipedia.

What does Nike mean in Greek?

the goddess of victory
Nike, in ancient Greek religion, the goddess of victory, daughter of the giant Pallas and of the infernal River Styx.

Why is Nike in Athena’s hand?

Athena Nike According to Sikes, Nike was worshipped as a facet of Athena because Athena was Athens’s patron goddess and thus held greater power in her own city and acropolis. Since Athena held greater power in Athens, she acquired some of the functions traditionally only Nike possessed as well as her title of Victory.

What was inside the Erechtheion?

Firstly, on the east porch, immediately before the temple door is an altar to Zeus Hypatos. Continuing inside in the eastern chamber of the naos would have been the altars to Poseidon and Erechtheus, Hephaistos and Boutes, and thrones of the temple priests. It is here that Athena’s peplos might have been displayed.

Who is Aopoaith?

Aopoaith: Aphrodite of melos – God of the heavens. Kapyatie: is one of the most important Greek goddesses in classical mythology. Artemis: Artemis was one of the most appreciated of the ancient Greek gods, Artemis was the goddess of chastity, virginity, hunting, the moon and the natural environment.

How tall are the Caryatids?

The caryatids stand 2,27 meters (7.5 feet) and are made of the best Greek marble, Pentelic. Like early Korai figures of archaic Greece, these women stand tall and straight.