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Why is water polo so brutal?

Why is water polo so brutal?

With a majority of their bodies underwater, and lots of splashing to reduce visibility for the referees, players are prone to kicking or hitting beneath the surface. “With all these big bodies banging into each other, all the clutching and grabbing under the water, you have to stay close or you risk getting injured.

Is water polo a violent sport?

As savage as water polo appears to spectators, Benson pointed out that even though “gamesmanship and protecting yourself and your teammates is very important, violence has no place in the sport.”

Do they fight in water polo?

That’s one little aspect and then you have to worry about the ball and the other players.” Said Silversparre: “A lot of the sport really is very physical because part of the game relates to wrestling. A lot of the game is to try and fight for position.” In water polo, every player has a tale of aggression.

How dirty is waterpolo?

Officials make sure players’ nails are filed down — scratching with fingers and toes is one of the most common dirty techniques — but players still leave the pool covered in bruises, scratches and welts, and sometimes the swimsuits are in tatters.

Do water polo players touch bottom?

They are not allowed to touch the bottom of the pool and must tread water the entire time – although players use a movement called the egg-beater which is more efficient than the normal action of treading water. Players can move the ball by throwing it to a teammate or swimming while pushing the ball in front of them.

Can you drown someone in water polo?

Broken noses, scratched eyeballs, perforated eardrums, and concussions definitely happen, all of which can be super dangerous because, well, you’re in a pool and could drown if you’re unable to swim (source). So, yeah, preventative care is crucial. Many serious water polo injuries, however, are actually non-contact.

Is water polo safe for kids?

Reason #6: Water Polo is Also Relatively Safe With the physicality of the sport, it is also relatively safe. You tend not to get over use injuries because it requires so many movements. Broken bones and limbs are very rare. In 30 years of being around the sport, I don’t know of any at the high school level.

Do water polo players drown each other?

It’s not uncommon for an athlete to take a shot to the head or face, from either the ball or another player. Broken noses, scratched eyeballs, perforated eardrums, and concussions definitely happen, all of which can be super dangerous because, well, you’re in a pool and could drown if you’re unable to swim (source).

Is punching allowed in water polo?

One of the most serious fouls that a player can commit during a game of water polo is called brutality, and it involves acts such as intentionally punching another player. Players who are caught intentionally throwing punches are removed from the game completely, but it doesn’t stop them from doing so.

Is womens water polo rough?

The U.S. women’s water polo team is widely regarded as one of the most dominant – and toughest – teams in the world, in any sport.

How do you cheat at waterpolo?

There is no solution to water polo cheats. The rules require that water polo be played in a pool of water so the only way to stop the cheating is to drain the pool. The most spectacularly cheating game is called the “beautiful game” when in fact it should be called the “ugly game”.

Why are water polo players so big?

Why? Because lean muscle is heavier than water and therefore less buoyant. A small mount of interstitial fat (4-8% for men, depending on several factors) will increase buoyancy up to a point.