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Why is my cat drinking so much water after spay?

Why is my cat drinking so much water after spay?

However, if your kitten was just recently spayed, she may have an infection and be running a fever, in which case she may drink more than usual. Regardless, if you feel that your kitten is now drinking excessively following surgery, consult with your veterinarian.

Can cat drink water after spay?

The day after surgery, give your cat regular amounts of water and food. Since the anesthetics can make your cat a bit nauseous, it’s normal if he does not eat right away. But if your feline friend isn’t drinking or eating normally 48 hours after surgery, you need to consult your vet immediately.

Why is my cat hissing at my other cat after spay surgery?

Very common for cats to get antagonistic with others after any kind of vet visit where they went separately. It has to do with smelling different and/or behaving different. The anesthesia can cause them to behave oddly for a few days.

What are the after effects of spaying a dog?

5 Possible Complications After Spaying Your Dog

  • Infection. You should check your female pup for infection no less than twice each day.
  • Open Incision. Even though the sutures are placed internally, there is a chance for your dog to loosen or break the sutures open.
  • Spay Incontinence.
  • Seromas.
  • Hernia.

Should I be concerned if my cat drinks a lot of water?

Polydipsia is defined as a cat drinking more than 100ml per kg of their bodyweight per day, but any cat that is drinking more than usual should be seen by a vet, as this may indicate that something is amiss. Of course, let the vet know the amount your cat is drinking if you have measured it.

Why is my cat drinking so much water and not eating?

If your cat is drinking lots of water and showing other signs of illness, they should be checked and diagnosed by a vet. In particular, excessive thirst in cats can be a symptom of: Kidney disease. Diabetes mellitus.

How much water is too much for a cat?

When Your Cat is Drinking More Than 4 Ounces per 5 Pounds. This is more than most cats need in a day. If this increased water intake is sustained over several days and isn’t in response to another factor (such as very hot temperatures outside), see a veterinarian.

Why is my cat meowing so much after being spayed?

After a spay surgery, it can take 6–8 weeks for your cat’s hormones to balance. Even though she doesn’t physically have heat cycles anymore, lingering hormones can make her feel like she does. Yowling can still occur until these hormones have settled.

Why is my cat so angry after getting spayed?

Aggression in newly spayed cats is usually caused by the anesthesia that remains in your cat’s system after her surgery. These anesthesia after-effects can last from several hours to several days depending on the amount and type of drugs used and your cat’s sensitivity.

How do you know if something is wrong after spaying?

Signs of pain for longer than a week (shaking, hiding, drooling) Acute redness, swelling or bruising at the incision site. Bleeding or pus from the incision site. Vomiting or diarrhea longer than 24 hours after the procedure (some immediately after can be normal as a result of anesthesia)

How common are complications after spay?

Signs of Infection and Complications Remember it’s very rare for there to be any complications following a spay/neuter procedure but, with every surgical procedure, there is some level of risk involved. This makes it very important to follow your veterinarian’s instructions for post-operative care carefully.

Why does my cat drink so much water at once?

Hyperthyroidism, otherwise known as overactive thyroid, can cause both excessive hunger and excessive thirst in cats. It also causes cats to lose weight significantly and is sometimes considered a wasting disease because of this.

When can I give my Dog Water after being spayed?

After a few hours, you can usually start by offering them a little bit of water, followed by a small amount of their regular food an hour or so later. This ensures that your pet is able to drink and eat normally following anesthesia and surgery and that they’re not likely to vomit and develop aspiration pneumonia or another problem.

How to take care of your cat after a spay?

How to Care for Your Cat After a Spay 1 Understand the procedure. 2 Assess your cat’s demeanor. 3 Give medications. 4 Prevent licking. 5 Keep your cat quiet. 6 (more items)

Is your cat drinking a lot of water after food?

Is you cat drinking a lot of water after food or before food, If you have noticed that your cat drinks a lot of water, you have to be alert. Usually in summer if the cat drinking lots of water then it will be common, even if your cat drinks in the other seasons also then it is a issue in your cats health that must be diagnosed immediately.

How much water should my dog or cat drink?

On average, cats and dogs alike drink between 10-30 ml per pound per day. This amount can be impacted by the amount of moisture in the food, and water loss associated with exercise and panting.