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Why is my boiler flashing A and B?

Why is my boiler flashing A and B?

A and B Flashing on and off alternatively – System pressure is very low and re-pressurisation is required. A Flashing and B Illuminated continuously – Pump fault or restricted flow. Note: Do not hold the selector switch in the reset position (3) for more than 2 or 3 seconds.

How do I reignite my Alpha boiler?

For a simple reset, Alpha recommends rotating the switch on the front of the boiler to position 3 (reset sequence). After 25-30 seconds, the boiler will attempt to restart. If the burner still won’t light or the burner output is insufficient, there’s a good chance it’s blocked with debris.

Why does my Alpha boiler keep losing pressure?

When the boiler pressure drops to around 0.6bar on the pressure gauge, your Alpha boiler will fail to operate. A sudden drop in pressure is a strong indication that there’s a link somewhere around the heating system. Radiators, various pumps and expansion vessels can all be prone to leaking.

How long should an alpha boiler last?

Most brands offer around 5 years, with market leaders such as Worcester Bosch offering 10 years.

Why does my hot water work but not my heating?

If you’ve got hot water, but no central heating then there are more issues it could be if it’s not the thermostat or the boiler pressure. Common reasons for this particular fault are broken diaphragms and airlocks, or a motorised valve failing.

Where is the reset button on a combi boiler?

The reset button is located on the boiler’s display and will likely show a flame with a line crossed through it. You will only need to press the reset button for three seconds before the boiler resets and the display screen should change.

Can a boiler lose pressure without a leak?

Boiler Losing Pressure, No Leak In 99% of cases, a boiler losing pressure means a leak — it’s as simple as that. Unless the dial sits at 0 even when topped up (which could be a sign of a faulty pressure gauge), there’s a leak somewhere – even if you can’t see it in the boiler or the heating system.

How often should you need to top up boiler pressure?

Ideally, you shouldn’t need to top up your boiler pressure very often. But if the pressure drops more than once or twice a year, check all visible pipes for signs of water leaks. You might also find green deposits near joins in copper pipework, or stains on the skirting boards or ceilings.

Are Alpha boilers noisy?

Loud noises from the pipes Hearing strange noises from the Alpha boiler is common, but it isn’t normal. Loud noises are a sign of kettling, which is caused by limescale and rust build up in the system.

What is the best boiler on the market?

Top 10 best boiler brands

  • #1 Viessmann Boilers.
  • #2 Alpha Boilers.
  • #3 Ideal Boilers.
  • #4 Worcester Bosch.
  • #5 Valliant Boilers.
  • #6 Baxi Boilers.
  • #7 Glow Worm Boilers.
  • #8 Potterton Boilers.