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Why is it swollen around my tongue piercing?

Why is it swollen around my tongue piercing?

Redness or swelling that extends beyond the piercing site may be a sign of infection. Other early signs of infection include: uncomfortable swelling.

How do you make your tongue piercing swelling go down?

To reduce swelling:

  1. Allow ice chips to melt in the mouth.
  2. Use an over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDS) according to package directions. This will help with pain control as well.
  3. Don’t speak or move the jewelry more than necessary.

Why is there a bump around my tongue piercing?

Piercing bumps occur when the body’s immune system responds to the wound and initiates the healing response. This response leads to inflammation, which is what causes the bump. A person may notice bleeding, bruising, and some swelling at the site of the piercing in the first few weeks after getting it.

How long will tongue piercing swelling last?

Pain, as well as a range of other healing symptoms, are perfectly normal after getting a tongue piercing. You can expect the pain to last up to one month, decreasing with time. Tongue swelling usually lasts three to five days but can reduce that by drinking cold liquids.

How do I know if my tongue piercing is rejecting?

Symptoms of piercing rejection

  1. more of the jewelry becoming visible on the outside of the piercing.
  2. the piercing remaining sore, red, irritated, or dry after the first few days.
  3. the jewelry becoming visible under the skin.
  4. the piercing hole appearing to be getting larger.
  5. the jewelry looking like it is hanging differently.

Can you clean your tongue piercing with salt water?

A sea salt rinse is 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved into 8 oz of warm water. Continue to rinse for 6-8 weeks. Gently brush your tongue in the morning and at night after brushing your teeth.

Does salt water Help tongue piercings?

Salt rinses will soothe your new piercing. The rinses feel really good and also help calm the itching part of the healing phase. Shaved ice and cold liquids can help reduce swelling in oral piercings, but remember: do a sea salt rinse after you eat or drink anything other than bottled water.

How much does a tongue piercing swell?

Swelling. Your tongue will swell for about 8 to 10 days after the initial piercing; the amount of swelling will depend on how far back the piercing is placed (the further back the piercing, the more swelling).

Should I squeeze an infected piercing?

It’s best to leave it in unless a doctor says otherwise because the hole can close up and trap bacteria or pus inside. Don’t try to squeeze the pus out either because you may introduce more bacteria into the piercing site.

How do you know if your tongue piercing is rejecting?

Symptoms of piercing rejection

  • more of the jewelry becoming visible on the outside of the piercing.
  • the piercing remaining sore, red, irritated, or dry after the first few days.
  • the jewelry becoming visible under the skin.
  • the piercing hole appearing to be getting larger.
  • the jewelry looking like it is hanging differently.

Is my tongue piercing healing correctly?

If there are no complications, complete healing usually takes around 4–6 weeks. If there is still swelling after a month, or if the piercing becomes painful or swollen after a period of seeming fine, this may signal an infection or other problem.

Is my piercing irritated or infected?

A piercing is infected if it is red, swollen, bleeding, and producing pus. To treat it at home, use topical antibiotics, a saline solution, and don’t remove the piercing. See a doctor if the piercing is worsening, as it can lead to scarring or serious infection.

How bad does your tongue swell after a piercing?

Swelling. Your tongue will swell for about 8 to 10 days after the initial piercing; the amount of swelling will depend on how far back the piercing is placed (the further back the piercing, the more swelling). Eating and Speaking. For the first few days, you won’t be able to eat solid foods or talk properly. Jewelry

How do you bring down swelling on a tongue piercing?

brush your teeth twice per day

  • floss daily
  • use a soft-bristle toothbrush for cleanings
  • choose a mouthwash that’s alcohol-free
  • look for signs of complications — especially an infection
  • What are some ways to numb my tongue before piercing?

    Clean the wound 3-6 times a day with saline water.

  • Avoid touching the piercing.
  • Minimize your alcohol and aspirin intake while the wound heals.
  • Steer clear of bodies of water like swimming pools and lakes,as they can introduce bacteria to the wound.
  • How long does it take for a tongue piercing to heal?

    A tongue piercing usually finishes healing within 4–6 weeks. When a tongue piercing heals correctly, the body treats the wound like a scar. People’s bodies are all different, so the healing process varies from person to person.