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Why is Clonmel an important tourist destination?

Why is Clonmel an important tourist destination?

Today Clonmel is associated with the Bulmers cider brand, based in the town. For a taste of Ireland’s great outdoors you can set off for the Comeragh Mountains and Slievenamon, while enthralling historical sites like the Rock of Cashel are at your fingertips.

Is Clonmel a town or city?

Clonmel, Irish Cluain Meala, municipal borough and seat of County South Tipperary, Ireland. It lies on the River Suir.

What language is spoken in Tipperary?

Irish language There is no Gaeltacht in County Tipperary and consequently few Irish speakers. Nevertheless, there are five Gaelscoileanna (Irish language primary schools) and two Gaelcholáistí (Irish language secondary schools).

Who built Clonmel?

1265 – de Grandison became Sheriff of Tipperary and Lord of the Manor of Clonmel. It was he who commenced the building of the town walls.

Is Clonmel a nice town?

Clonmel is a pretty little town with a serious problem. Over the past few years, drugs have ripped the community apart. In January alone, €256,000 worth of cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, MDMA, alprazolam, cannabis, and diazepam were seized from dealers in the town.

What is Clonmel known for?

Clonmel (Irish: Cluain Meala, meaning ‘honey meadow’) is the county town and largest settlement of County Tipperary, Ireland. The town is noted in Irish history for its resistance to the Cromwellian army which sacked the towns of Drogheda and Wexford.

Do most Irish speak Irish?

The great majority — about 98 percent — of Irish speakers live in Ireland itself. The 2016 census in Ireland found that only about 10.5 percent of respondents spoke Irish on a daily or weekly basis, and that dropped to 4.2 percent when looking at regular, active speakers.

Do Irish people speak Irish?

Irish has constitutional status as the national and first official language of the Republic of Ireland and is an officially recognised minority language in Northern Ireland. It is also among the official languages of the European Union.

What shops are in Clonmel town?

The Best 10 Shopping in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Republic of Ireland

  1. In the Wardrobe. 0.4 mi. Accessories, Shoe Stores, Women’s Clothing.
  2. Penneys (operated By Primark) 0.5 mi.
  3. Mr Price Branded Bargains. 0.4 mi.
  4. Midget. 0.2 mi.
  5. Clintons Of Clonmel. 0.3 mi.
  6. Dunnes Stores. 0.4 mi.
  7. Eileens Fashion Shop. 0.3 mi.
  8. Dressing Room. 0.3 mi.

What is the ugliest county in Ireland?

According to new research. NEW RESEARCH FROM dating website has revealed that Limerick people are the ugliest in Ireland. The research found that Limerick people experienced the highest rates of rejection from the website and therefore had the “least attractive inhabitants” of any city in Ireland.

What is the roughest part of Ireland?

Pearse Street Garda station in Dublin’s south inner city is at the centre of Ireland’s most crime-ridden district, the Irish Mirror can reveal. Our exclusive data probe of incidents clocked on the force’s Pulse system from 560 stations over 17 years, reveals the nation’s worst and most unexpected crime blackspots.