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Why did Deep Space Nine get Cancelled?

Why did Deep Space Nine get Cancelled?

That was one of the reasons it eventually ended. As the documentary What We Left Behind reveals, the show was perceived to suffer from “middle child” syndrome, enduring rather callous indifference from the fans and struggling against the studio establishment that didn’t want it pushing too many boundaries.

How many seasons are there of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?

7Star Trek: Deep Space Nine / Number of seasons

Will there be a season 8 of DS9?

The DS9 writer’s room reunites in the documentary; executive producers Ira Steven Behr, Ronald D. Moore, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, René Echevarria, and Hans Beimler broke down the story of what would have been the first episode of DS9 season 8, which kicks off with a literal bang when Nog is shockingly killed.

How many episodes are there in season 7 of DS9?

26Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Season 7 / Number of episodes
Episodes (25) With the wormhole closed, Sisko struggles to find a way to re-establish contact with the Bajoran Prophets. Sisko’s quest to find a mythical Bajoran orb leads him to unlock the truth about his own existence.

Did the cast of Deep Space Nine get along?

As far as I know, the cast got along fine, but, unlike with the TNG cast (who are all apparently good friends), the DS9 folks simply kept it a bit more professional.

Is there a deep space 8?

Deep Space 8 is actually DS9. They lost count.

What came after Deep Space Nine?

Twelve television series make up the bulk of the Star Trek franchise: The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Short Treks, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy and Strange New Worlds.

What happens to Captain Sisko after DS9?

He left DS9 at the end of the Dominion War to join the Bajoran Prophets. See Sisko for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character’s surname. This character is a member of the Sisko family.

Will there be a sequel to DS9?

Star Trek’s often-overlooked spin-off is finally getting its due.

When was the last episode of Deep Space Nine?

June 2, 1999Star Trek: Deep Space Nine / Final episode date