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Who wrote Trinidad and Tobago motto?

Who wrote Trinidad and Tobago motto?

Patrick S. Castagne composed the words and music of the National Anthem in 1962. The words of the National Anthem reflect the nature and the strength of the people of Trinidad and Tobago, our courage as one nation working towards living in unity despite our diversity.

Who made Trinidad independent?

Trinidad and Tobago achieved full independence via the Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act 1962 on 31 August 1962 within the Commonwealth with Queen Elizabeth II as its titular head of state. On 1 August 1976, the country became a republic, and the last Governor-General, Sir Ellis Clarke, became the first President.

Who ruled Trinidad and Tobago before independence?

Prior to Independence, the country was a British colony with the Queen of England as the Head of State. At midnight on 30 August 1962, the British flag (the Union Jack) was lowered and the red, white and black Trinidad and Tobago flag was raised for the first time.

When did Trinidad and Tobago became a republic?

August 1st, 1976
Trinidad and Tobago became a Republic on August 1st, 1976. The event is celebrated as a public holiday on September 24th because this is the date when the first Parliament met under the new Republican Constitution.

What is the national dish of Trinidad?

Trinidad and Tobago’s national dish is callaloo. It’s a thick stew with a soup-like consistency.

Who was the first person in Trinidad?

The first settlers in Trinidad and Tobago are reported to have been two First Peoples (aka Amerindian) tribes as early as 5000BC, often described as the Arawaks and the Caribs, though new research has provided a number of alternative narratives.

Why did the Chinese came to Trinidad?

Between 1853 and 1866, 2,645 Chinese immigrants went to Trinidad as indentured laborers for the sugar and cacao plantations. The Chinese migration after 1911 was a result of the Chinese revolution. Between 1920s and 1940s, Chinese migration increased. Then it came to a stop during the period of the Chinese revolution.

What race are Trinidad?

Among its neighbours, the island nation of Trinidad and Tobago stands out due to its ethnic makeup. The population of most Caribbean nations is mainly of African descent; similar to Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago is evenly divided between Afro-Trinidadians and Indo-Trinidadians.

What was Trinidad called before?

Land of the Hummingbird
The original name for the island in the Arawaks’ language was Iëre which meant “Land of the Hummingbird”. Christopher Columbus renamed it La Isla de la Trinidad (‘The Island of the Trinity’), fulfilling a vow he had made before setting out on his third voyage. This has since been shortened to Trinidad.

When did Trinidad stop slavery?

Under British rule, Trinidad’s development as a sugar colony continued, although in 1806–07 the slave trade was completely prohibited. Slavery was abolished in two stages between 1834 and 1838, and the sugarcane planters were unable to secure the steady, tractable, and cheap labour they wanted.

How did Trinidad get its name?

Christopher Columbus landed on Trinidad, which he named for the Holy Trinity, in 1498 and found a land quietly inhabited by the Arawak and Carib Indians.

What do they drink in Trinidad?

Drinks include soda, coconut water, juices (mango, orange, or cranberry), ginger beer, ponche crema, egg nog, cocoa tea, and sorrel.