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Who was Alvaro Uribe Velez?

Who was Alvaro Uribe Velez?

Álvaro Uribe Vélez (born 4 July 1952) is a Colombian politician who served as the 39th President of Colombia from 7 August 2002 to 7 August 2010. Uribe started his political career in his home department of Antioquia.

What party is Uribe?

Democratic CenterAlvaro Uribe Velez / PartyDemocratic Centre is a conservative political party in Colombia founded in 2013 by Álvaro Uribe, former President of Colombia, former Vice President Francisco Santos Calderón and former Minister of Finance and Public Credit Óscar Iván Zuluaga. Wikipedia

How many years can a president serve in Colombia?

The president and vice president serve a term of office of four years after being elected by popular vote. Since 2015, the president is restricted to a single four-year term and is barred from running for reelection, even for a nonconsecutive term.

Who was the first leader of Colombia?

Chosen to be first president of Colombia, was General Simón Bolívar y Palacios, leader of the revolutionary forces, who up to that point was titled “Supreme Chief” for his role in the revolution. The following day, Congress elected Francisco Antonio Zea Díaz, first vice president of Colombia.

When was Alvaro Uribe President of Colombia?

August 7, 2002 – August 7, 2010Alvaro Uribe Velez / Presidential term

What does Uribe mean?

Uribe is a Basque surname. It comes from uri (city) and the eighth -be / -ie brand. It means ‘below the city’ or even ‘under the city’.

When was Uribe President of Colombia?

Was Pablo Escobar a president?

Escobar’s Short-Lived Stint in Politics As a young man, Escobar told friends and family that he wanted to become president of Colombia. Yet as he saw it, his path to wealth and legitimacy lay in crime. In 1982 Escobar was elected as an alternate member of Colombia’s Congress.

Was Pablo Escobar president of Colombia?

In 1991, Escobar surrendered to authorities, and was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on a host of charges, but struck a deal of no extradition with Colombian President Cesar Gaviria, with the ability of being housed in his own, self-built prison, La Catedral….

Pablo Escobar
Cause of death Gunshot wound to the head

¿Quién es el hijo de Alberto Uribe?

Uribe nació en Medellín el 4 de julio de 1952, hijo de Alberto Uribe Sierra y Laura Vélez Uribe. Sus hermanos son Santiago, María Isabel, María Teresa, Jaime Alberto, quien falleció en 2001, y su hermano de padre Camilo Uribe Uribe. Su infancia transcurrió entre la ciudad y las fincas de su familia, situadas en el Suroeste antioqueño.

¿Quién fue Rafael Uribe?

Uribe fue Ministro de Guerra de 1932 a 1934 para el gobierno de Enrique Olaya Herrera, y tuvo que enfrentar la invasión peruana del país. Era hijo del caudillo liberal Rafael Uribe Uribe y era hermano de Julián Uribe Gaviria . Junto con este estudió en la Escuela de Caballería de Chile, donde alcanzó el rango de Capitán.

¿Cómo fue la vida pública de Pedro Uribe?

Uribe empezó su vida pública en el Partido Liberal Colombiano junto con Hernando Agudelo y Diego Calle. Sus aliados políticos inicialmente trabajaron con el directorio liberal de Antioquia, que era presidido por Bernardo Guerra y del que Uribe hizo parte. Tiempo después salió del directorio y se volvió disidente.

¿Qué es el Surname de Uribe?

In this Spanish name, the first or paternal surname is Uribe and the second or maternal family name is Vélez. Álvaro Uribe Vélez (born 4 July 1952) is a Colombian politician who served as the 39th President of Colombia from 7 August 2002 to 7 August 2010. Uribe started his political career in his home department of Antioquia.