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Who originally sang the song Whiskey in a jar?

Who originally sang the song Whiskey in a jar?

The Dubliners
Whiskey in the Jar

“Whiskey in the Jar”
Single by The Dubliners
Released 1968
Genre Irish folk music
Length 6:02

Is Whiskey in the Jar a true story?

“Whiskey in the Jar,” a song about a notorious Irish highwayman Patrick Fleming who was hanged in 1650, has become Ireland’s most beloved song, a true rebel air that stirs the passions.

What is the story behind Whiskey in the Jar?

An Overview of “Whiskey in the Jar” It tells the story of a highwayman (robber) who robs a military officer and who is subsequently betrayed by his woman.

What does whack for Daddio mean?

You mean “Whack fol my daddy-o”. I learnt the song almost 50 years ago. It means absolutely nothing, just as does the previous line which you may see as “Mush-a ring dum a do dum a da” or something similar.

What does Musha ring dum a doo dum a da?

In the “Whiskey in the jar” song (from Thin Lizzy and Metallica too) there is this phrase I cannot understand. “Musha ring dum a doo dum a da. Whack for my daddy-o” Assuming that “Whack for my daddy-o” means “I gave part of the money to my dad”, what does the other part of the phrase mean? Thank you so much.

What does whack mean in Irish songs?

You mean “Whack fol my daddy-o”. I learnt the song almost 50 years ago. It means absolutely nothing, just as does the previous line which you may see as “Mush-a ring dum a do dum a da” or something similar. The words in the version you found are wrong.

What does Daddy Yo mean?

daddy-o (plural daddy-os) (informal, dated) Term of address for a man.

What Metallica album is Whiskey in the Jar on?

Garage Inc.Whiskey in the Jar / Album

What does Hunt the hare mean?

[British] to try to support both sides in an argument or conflict, in order to make your own life easier. They learn very quickly to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds; to side with whoever is nearest in a relentless quest to avoid rows.

Where did the phrase Daddio come from?

Originally in the speech of jazz musicians and associated circles: used as a general form of address, especially between men, to indicate familiarity, amicability, or equality between the speaker and the person addressed. Compare “daddy”. Now dated, and chiefly in ironic or humorous use.

What did Daddy-O mean in the 50s?

Used in the 1950s and 1960s as a term of endearment, or to appear “hip”.

What does Whack fol the dah mean?

“Whack fol the dah” does not have a meaning. It’s similar to “la la la” or “shooby-dooby-doo-bop”. It’s called “lilting”, similar to Jazz scatting.