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Who is the father of Ratnavali?

Who is the father of Ratnavali?

king Vikramabahu of Simhala
Incidentally, Ratnavali’s father, king Vikramabahu of Simhala, is Vasavadatta’s uncle.

Who is writer Ratnavali?

HarshaRatnavali / AuthorHarshavardhana was an Indian emperor who ruled northern India from 606 to 647 CE. He was a member of the Vardhana dynasty; and was the son of Prabhakaravardhana who defeated the Alchon Huna invaders, and the younger brother of Rajyavardhana, a king of Thanesar, present-day Haryana. Wikipedia

Who wrote the Sanskrit play Ratnavali?

Sri Harsha
Ratnavali is a famous Sanskrit drama composed in four Acts by Sri Harsha.

Who wrote Naganand Ratnavali?

Harsha is considered to be the writer of three Sanskrit works: Ratnavali, Nagananda and Priyadarshika.

Who married Vasavadatta?

Plot. Svapnavasavadattam is a sequel to the Bhāsa’s another play Pratijnayaugandharayana (The Pledge of Minister Yaugandharayana) which describes in four acts the events culminating in the marriage of Udayana and Vasavadatta which was brought about by the efforts of Yaugandharayana, Udayana’s minister.

Who wrote Priyadarshika?

HarshaPriyadarsika / Author

Who is the writer of Priyadarshika?

Who wrote the Sanskrit play Ratnavali Nagananda and Priyadarshika?

Emperor Harshvardhana
Priyadarshika , Ratnavali and Nagananda of Harsha are works of Drama. Besides being a great conqueror and religious minded and generous king, Harshavardhan was also a great lover of education and learning. Emperor Harshvardhana wrote three plays in the Sanskrit Language.

Who wrote Nagananda Ratnavali Priyadarshika?

Priyadarsika is a Sanskrit play attributed to king Harsha (606 – 648). It was first translated into English by G. K. Nariman, A. V.

Who wrote three Sanskrit plays Ratnavali Naganand and Priyadarshika?

Who is Vasavdatta?

Vasavadatta – the daughter of Pradyota, king of Avanti, and queen of Udayana. Yaugandharayana – Udayana’s faithful minister. Padmavati – princess of Magadha, sister of King Darsaka.

Who was King Udayana?

Udayana, the son of Śatānīka II by the Videha princess succeeded him. Udayana, the romantic hero of the Svapnavāsavadattā, the Pratijñā-Yaugandharāyaṇa and many other legends was a contemporary of Buddha and of Pradyota, the king of Avanti.