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Who is the current MLA of Ghaziabad?

Who is the current MLA of Ghaziabad?

Ghaziabad Assembly constituency

Constituency Details
Current MLA Atul Garg
Party Bharatiya Janata Party
Elected year 2017

How many MPS are there in Ghaziabad?

Presently, Ghaziabad Lok Sabha constituency comprises five Vidhan Sabha (legislative assembly) segments.

Who is the MLA of Vaishali Ghaziabad?

Sunil Kumar Sharma (Uttar Pradesh)

Sunil Kumar Sharma MLA
Personal details
Born Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Nationality Indian
Political party Bharatiya Janata Party

Is Ghaziabad a constituency?

Ghaziabad Assembly constituency is one of the 403 constituencies of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, India. It is a part of the Ghaziabad district and one of the five assembly constituencies in the Ghaziabad (Lok Sabha constituency).

Who is MLA of Noida?

Pankaj Singh (son of Rajnath Singh) is the present MLA of Noida since March 2017….Noida Assembly constituency.

Current MLA Pankaj Singh
Party Bharatiya Janata Party
Elected year 2017

Who is the MP of Modinagar?


Party Candidate Votes
BJP Dr. Manju Shiwach 1,08,631
BSP Wahab Chaudhary 42,049
SP Ram Asray Sharma 32,507
RLD Sudesh Sharma 29,477

How many MLA does Gautam Budh Nagar have?

It consists of city Noida. It is located in the Gautam Buddha Nagar district which has three assembly seats namely, Noida (61), Dadri (62) and Jewar (63)….Noida Assembly constituency.

Reservation None
Member of Legislative Assembly
Current MLA Pankaj Singh
Party Bharatiya Janata Party

Who is the MP of Meerut?

Meerut (Lok Sabha constituency)

Incumbent Rajendra Agarwal
Parliamentary Party Bharatiya Janata Party
Elected Year 2019
Constituency Details

Who is the MLA of Noida?

Noida (Assembly constituency)

Current MLA Pankaj Singh
Party Bharatiya Janata Party
Elected year 2017

How many seats are there in UP Vidhan Sabha?

The Uttar Pradesh Assembly consists of 403 elected members and one nominated Anglo-Indian member.

Who is the MLA of Meerut?

Assembly segments

Constituency number Name MLA
47 Meerut Cantt. Amit Agarwal
48 Meerut Haji Rafiq Ansari
49 Meerut South Dr. Somendra Tomar
59 Hapur Vijay Pal

Who is the MLA of Dadri?

Dadri, Uttar Pradesh Assembly constituency

Constituency Details
Current MLA Tejpal Singh Nagar
Party Bharatiya Janata Party
Elected year 2017

What are the previous MLAs from Ghaziabad assembly constituencies?

Sitting and previous MLAs from Ghaziabad Assembly Constituency Year A C No. Constituency Name Winner Gender 2012 56 Ghaziabad Suresh Bansal M 2007 372 Ghaziabad Sunil Kumar Sharma M 2004 By Polls Ghaziabad Surendra Kumar Munni F 2002 372 Ghaziabad Surendra Prakash Goel M

What are the past elections results of Ghaziabad?

Ghaziabad Past Election Results Year Candidate’s Name Party Level Votes Vote Rate % Margin 2022 Atul Garg BJP Winner 150,205 61.37% 105,537 Vishal Verma SP Runner Up 44,668 18.25% 2017 Atul Garg BJP Winner 124,201 54.99% 70,505 Suresh Bansal BSP Runner Up 53,696 23.77% 2012 Suresh Bansal BSP Winner 64,485

Who won from Ghaziabad Lok Sabha (MP) seat?

In 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Vijay Kumar Singh won from Ghaziabad Lok Sabha (MP) Seat with the margin of 501500 votes by defeating Suresh Bansal from Samajwadi Party. Stay tuned with OneIndia for all the updates regarding this constituency.

Who won the 2022 Ghaziabad election?

Ghaziabad Past Election Results Year Candidate’s Name Party Level Votes Vote Rate % Margin 2022 Atul Garg BJP Winner 150,205 61.37% 105,537 Vishal Verma SP Runner Up 44,668 18.25%