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Who did Ahsoka have a crush on?

Who did Ahsoka have a crush on?

Training, being moody, and having girl troubles. Lux Bonteri is Ahsoka Tano’s love interest in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

What does Ahsoka say in rise of Skywalker?

We also hear Ahsoka’s voice simply saying “Rey.” This was confirmed in The Rise of Skywalker’s credits, with Ashley Eckstein credited for the part. Backed up by the legendary Jedi who lived before her, Rey recovers and manages one final stand against her evil grandfather.

Who kisses Ahsoka?

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Ahsoka Tano & Lux Bonteri kiss [1080p]

What does Ahsoka say to Darth Vader?

In response, Ahsoka rebukes him, saying he and his Inquisitors had killed all the Jedi. As Vader threatens her with Ezra’s safety, Ahsoka expresses her outrage, stating that her former master could never be as vile as him. Vader replies that Anakin Skywalker was weak and that he had destroyed him.

Does Anakin love Ahsoka?

Ahsoka Tano was the padawan of Obi-wan’s former padawan, Anakin Skywalker (who later became Darth Vader). They had a healthy relationship, trusting each other and having each other’s backs.

Do Ahsoka and Luke ever meet?

While Star Wars has finally brought Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano together in The Book of Boba Fett, it’s not the first time the two characters have met.

Did Ahsoka meet Luke?

Warning! While Star Wars has finally brought Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano together in The Book of Boba Fett, it’s not the first time the two characters have met.

Did Vader recognize Ahsoka?

So when she’s fighting Vader, and slashes his mask to see her master’s eye, it’s a shock. But then he recognizes her, which makes it worse. “When he calls out to her after the dramatic moment… there’s catastrophe happening all around,” Filoni said.

Did Obi-Wan like Ahsoka?

They had a healthy relationship, trusting each other and having each other’s backs. Obi-Wan became something of a second mentor for Ahsoka. Obi-Wan thought Ahsoka had the right to know about Anakin’s past and told her even though Anakin wanted it kept secret from the young Togruta.

Does Ahsoka know Luke is Anakin’s son?

A Missed Opportunity — When The Mandalorian Season 2 ends, Ahsoka and Luke are the only two Star Wars characters still alive who not only knew Anakin Skywalker, but who had deep emotional relationships with him.

Is Ahsoka Tano stronger than Luke Skywalker?

While there a lot of arguments that suggest Luke Skywalker is more powerful than Ahsoka — he did bring about the end of the Galactic Empire, after all — Ahsoka’s past history in the Star Wars universe points to her having the upper hand when it comes to the ways of the Force.

Why does Ahsoka Tano have a green lightsaber?

Why did Ahsoka have a green lightsaber? It’s associated with the Jedi’s spiritual alignment. Green blades can mean a range of things about the Jedi it belongs to but usually denotes harmony and goodwill. In Season 3, Episode 10, “Heroes on Both Sides,” Ahsoka’s outfit changes, and she’s rocking two blades instead of one.

Did Ahsoka Tano ever fall in love?

That being said, there was definitely love between them. They had a sort of, father-daughter dynamic, as well as a kind of brother-sister one. In the ‘Ahsoka’ novel, Ahsoka muses about parents, and thinks about Obi-Wan and Anakin as her two fathers. They definitely loved another incredibly deeply. How old was Ahsoka Tano in the Clone Wars?

Does Rex Love Ahsoka Tano?

Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano are in love. But when a man comes to help distroy the covenent the love those two share is in danger. Will Rex and Ahsoka keep their love, or will the covenent distroy all hopes of their love continuing. Rexsoka parring also smaller parings Cody/Barriss, Anakin/Padme, master Chief/Cortana.