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Who caused Ebola?

Who caused Ebola?

EVD is caused by the Ebola virus. It’s origin or how it started is unknown. Scientists believe that it is animal-borne and most likely comes from bats, which transmit the Ebola virus to other animals and humans. There is no proof that mosquitos or other insects can transmit the virus.

Who first discovered Ebola?

ITM researchers Guido van der Groen and Peter Piot co-discovered the Ebola virus, which was first studied in Zaire in 1976. Congolese virologist Dr Jean-Jacques Muyembe worked as a field epidemiologist when he was called to the village of Yambuku in northern Zaire.

What was the first case of Ebola?

The first outbreak of Ebola virus disease was reported in Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976, in a community near to Ebola River, that is the reason of its name. That was a devastating outbreak with 318 cases and 218 deaths for a case fatality ratio of 88%, one of the most deadly outbreak in history.

Is there vaccine for Ebola?

Currently there are no licensed vaccines to prevent Ebola virus disease. However, multiple investigational Ebola vaccines have been tested in numerous clinical trials around the world. NIAID has supported the development of various candidates, including the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine developed by Merck.

How did Ebola virus start?

The first human case in an Ebola outbreak is acquired through contact with blood, secretions organs or other bodily fluids of an infected animal. EVD has been documented in people who handled infected chimpanzees, gorillas, and forest antelopes, both dead and alive, in Cote d’Ivoire, the Republic of Congo and Gabon.

What kills Ebola?

Ebola virus also can be killed by many common chemical agents. Chemical agents that will kill the virus include bleach, detergents, solvents, alcohols, ammonia, aldehydes, halogens, peracetic acid, peroxides, phenolics, and quaternary ammonium compounds.

Is there a vaccine for Ebola virus?