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Who can counter Renekton?

Who can counter Renekton?

To directly counter Renekton, it’s possible to pick champions that will do even better in the early game. These would be ranged champions that can bully Renekton such as Quinn, Vayne, or Jayce.

Does Jax have any counters?

The best champions that counter Jax are Akali, Pantheon, Malphite, Gangplank and Gragas.

Who wins Camille or Renekton?

Camille wins against Renekton 50.93% of the time which is 2.44% lower against Renekton than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Camille wins against Renekton 4.01% less often than would be expected.

Does Jax counter Nasus?

Jax wins against Nasus 46.23% of the time which is 2.39% lower against Nasus than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Nasus 1.99% less often than would be expected.

Who beats Renekton mid?

The strongest counter would be Pantheon, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 51.05% (Good) and Play Rate of 3.09% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Renekton, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Does Wukong counter Renekton?

Renekton vs Wukong Build Renekton wins against Wukong 44.37% of the time which is 1.53% lower against Wukong than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Renekton wins against Wukong 0.11% more often than would be expected.

Who does Jax do well against?

Jax wins more against

Name Winrate
Aatrox Top +7.7%
Yone Top +7.4%
Irelia Top +6.3%
Kayle Top +3.5%

Who wins against Jax?

Jax Counter Pick

Champion Win Rate Play Rate
B MaokaiTwisted Treant 53.55% 2.27%
D HeimerdingerRevered Inventor 50.88% 0.93%
C CassiopeiaSerpent’s Embrace 51.84% 2.27%
A TeemoSwift Scout 51.37% 2.92%

Who does Camille counter top?

Camille wins more against

Name Winrate
Jayce Top +8.1%
Irelia Top +6.3%
Garen Top +5.8%
Swain Top +3.7%

Does Renekton counter Fiora?

Renekton wins against Fiora 36.84% of the time which is 11.31% lower against Fiora than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Renekton wins against Fiora 6.99% less often than would be expected.

Does Jax counter Mordekaiser?

Jax wins against Mordekaiser 48.98% of the time which is 1.84% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Mordekaiser 1.83% more often than would be expected.

What does Jax Counter Strike Dodge?

Jax’s ‘E’ is “Counterstrike”, which is to dodge any incoming auto attacks for 2 seconds and then stun nearby enemies + a bit of damage depending on how many auto attacks were blocked.