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Which vodka is lowest in calories?

Which vodka is lowest in calories?

Check out some more specific brand stats below, arranged from least-calorific to most..

  • Ketel One. 96 calories per 1.5oz shot.
  • Absolut. 96 calories per 1.5oz shot.
  • Belvedere. 96 calories per 1.5oz shot.
  • Stolichnaya. 96 calories per 1.5oz shot.
  • Smirnoff Vodka (Red Label)
  • Royal Gate.
  • Popov Vodka (80 proof)
  • Bowman’s Vodka.

Is vodka best for weight loss?

Vodka is one of the lowest calorie alcoholic beverages overall and has zero carbs, which is why it’s a liquor of choice for dieters, especially those on a low-carb diet like the Paleo or Atkin’s diet.

Which vodka is lowest in carbs?

Pure alcohol products like rum, vodka, gin, tequila and whiskey all contain no carbs….Keto-Friendly Drinks.

Type of alcohol Serving size Carb content
Vodka 1.5 ounces (44 ml) 0 grams
Gin 1.5 ounces (44 ml) 0 grams
Tequila 1.5 ounces (44 ml) 0 grams
Whiskey 1.5 ounces (44 ml) 0 grams

What is the best vodka to drink on a diet?

Ketel One Botanical, which comes in three flavors, clocks in at 73 calories per a 1.5-ounce serving. But how does it really compare to typical vodka and wine? A regular 1.5-ounce serving of vodka has about 100 calories. Like regular vodka, the new Botanical liquor has no carbs, protein or fat.

Will vodka cause belly fat?

Alcohol can contribute to excess belly fat Extra calories end up stored as fat in the body. Consuming foods and drinks high in sugar can quickly lead to weight gain. We can’t choose where all that extra weight ends up. But the body tends to accumulate fat in the abdominal area.

Which vodka has no sugar?

The Smirnoff Zero Sugar Infusions line of vodkas is now available in three flavors, Cucumber & Lime, Watermelon & Mint, and Strawberry & Rose, which offer a delicious, sugar-free alternative to vodka enthusiasts over 21.