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Which substances are Phytotoxins?

Which substances are Phytotoxins?

Phytotoxins are substances that are poisonous or toxic to the growth of plants. Phytotoxic substances may result from human activity, as with herbicides, or they may be produced by plants, by microorganisms, or by naturally occurring chemical reactions.

What are microbial toxicants?

Microbial toxins are toxins produced by microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. Microbial toxins promote infection and disease by directly damaging host tissues and by disabling the immune system. Some bacterial toxins, such as Botulinum neurotoxins, are the most potent natural toxins known.

What is Pathotoxin?

A chemical of biological origin, other than an enzyme, that plays an important causal role in a plant disease.

What is the importance of Phycotoxins?

Produced by algae Phycotoxins (algae toxins) are a good example of natural toxins that can get into our food. They are produced by algae in both fresh and seawater, and accumulate in fish or shellfish.

What is Phytoalexins in plants?

Phytoalexins are low molecular weight antimicrobial compounds that are produced by plants as a response to biotic and abiotic stresses. As such they take part in an intricate defense system which enables plants to control invading microorganisms.

What is bacterial toxin give example?

Foodborne. Bacterial toxins, typically the culprits of “food poisoning,” cause illness by the GI tract’s reaction to the toxin when ingested. The most common examples include Bacillus sp., Campylobacter sp., Clostridium sp., Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Listeria sp., E.

What are endo and exo toxins?

Classically, bacterial toxins are divided into exotoxins and endotoxins. While endotoxins are membrane compounds of Gram-negative bacteria which elicit an inflammatory response in host, exotoxins are secreted proteins which act locally and at distance of the bacterial colonization site.

What is Pathotoxin and example?

Pathotoxins – Pathotoxins play a causal role in disease production, and produce symptoms characteristic of the disease in susceptible plant. These toxin may be produced by the pathogen, host or interaction between them. Piricularin produced by Pyricularia grisea (oryzae) is a typical pathotoxin.

How does saxitoxin affect the nervous system?

Saxitoxins exert their effect by binding directly to the voltage-dependent sodium channels in nerve and muscle cell membranes, interrupting nerve signal transmission and leading to paralysis.

What is algal toxins?

Algal toxins are toxic substances released by some types of algae when they are present in large quantities (blooms) and decay or degrade. High nutrient levels and warm temperatures often result in favorable conditions for algae blooms to form.

What is Phytoanticipin?

The term phytoanticipin was coined by Mansfield and defined in 1994 as “low molecular weight antimicrobial compound present in plants before challenge by microorganisms or produced after infection solely from preexisting constituents” [1].

What is the meaning of phytoalexins?

Definition of phytoalexin : any of various antimicrobial chemical substances produced by plants to combat infection by a pathogen (such as a fungus)