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Which phlebotomy tube is best used for whole blood analysis?

Which phlebotomy tube is best used for whole blood analysis?

Pink-top tube (EDTA) These tubes are preferred for blood bank tests. NOTE: After the tube has been filled with blood, immediately invert the tube 8-10 times to mix and ensure adequate anticoagulation of the specimen.

What test is collected in a serum separator tube?

Clot activator and gel for serum separator Serum separator tube (SST) contains a gel at the bottom to separate blood cells from serum on centrifugation. Chemistry, Immunology and Serology.

What color tube is used for whole blood?

Send plasma in a plastic transport tube labeled “Plasma, EDTA.” Send whole blood in a lavender-top tube.

How do you prepare a plasma sample from whole blood?

After collection of the whole blood, allow the blood to clot by leaving it undisturbed at room temperature. This usually takes 15-30 minutes. Remove the clot by centrifuging at 1,000-2,000 x g for 10 minutes in a refrigerated centrifuge. The resulting supernatant is designated serum.

Which laboratory equipment would be used to separate whole blood from plasma for testing?

It can be used to separate urine so urine sediment can be examined under the microscope or to separate whole blood from plasma for chemical testing. A microscope centrifuge is used to separate whole blood samples into layers to measure patient hematocrit.

What are serum separator tubes used for?

Serum-separating tubes, also known as serum separator tubes or SSTs, are used in medical clinical chemistry tests requiring blood serum.

What is EDTA blood test?

An EDTA test is used to assess the function of your kidneys through a series of blood tests. EDTA refers to the name of the substance that you will receive by injection. EDTA contains a small amount of radioactive material. This allows it to act as a tracer which will show the kidney function.

What color tubes are used for which tests in phlebotomy?


Green Sodium heparin(100 USP Units) Ammonia, Lactate, HLA Typing
Tan K2 EDTA Lead levels
Yellow ACD Solution A consists of trisodium citrate, citric acid and dextrose DNA Studies, HIV Cultures
Pink (K2)EDTA Blood type & Screen, Compatibility Study, Direct Coombs HIV Viral Load

How to separate serum and plasma from blood?

How to separate serum and plasma from blood Serum is the liquid fraction of whole blood that is collected after the blood is allowed to clot. The clot is removed by centrifugation and the resulting supernatant, designated serum, is carefully removed using a Pasteur pipette. BioSource C-070276 1107 1-Jan-2007

How is plasma collected from blood clots in a lab?

In a lab setting, it is common to centrifuge the clotted blood, including red cells, to the bottom of the collection tube, leaving a straw-colored liquid above the clot. “Plasma” is the fluid component of blood.

What is plasma in a blood test?

“Plasma” is the fluid component of blood. It is obtained when a clotting-prevention agent is added to whole blood and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the cellular material from the lighter liquid layer. Common anti-coagulant agents are EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), heparin, and citrate.

What is a serum separator tube (SST)?

In this regard, serum separator tubes (SST) are easy to use, require short processing times, yield higher serum levels, limit hazardous aerosolization, require only one centrifugation step, allow primary tube sampling, and require a single label (55).