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Which is the most powerful missile of India?

Which is the most powerful missile of India?

Given that Shaheen-III is Pakistan’s most powerful missile, it is essential to see how it fares with India’s most potent nuclear-capable missile — Agni-V. Agni-V is a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

Can India have hypersonic missile?

DRDO successfully tested a Hypersonic Technology Demonstrated Vehicle (HSTDV) in September 2020, and demonstrated its hypersonic air-breathing scramjet technology. According to sources, India has developed its own cryogenic engine and demonstrated it in a 23-second flight.

What is the maximum range of Indian missiles?


Family Name Maximum range
Agni (missile) Agni-IV 4,000 km (2,500 mi)
Agni-V 5,500 to 8,000 km (3,400 to 5,000 mi)
Agni-VI 12,000 to 16,000 km (7,500 to 9,900 mi)
Surya missile 16,000 km (9,900 mi)

Is BrahMos made in India?

The name BrahMos is a portmanteau formed from the names of two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia….

Place of origin India, Russia
Service history
In service November 2005
Used by Indian Army Indian Navy Indian Air Force Philippine Navy (on order)

Is Agni 6 Ready?

The government of India is yet to approve the project, although DRDO has completed all calculations and started the engineering work. It is reported to be the latest and most advanced version among the Agni missiles.

Does India have atom bomb?

India: Approximately 156 nuclear warheads. Israel: An estimated 90 nuclear warheads, with fissile material for up to 200. Pakistan: Approximately 165 nuclear warheads.

What are the missiles of India?

Missiles of India. India’s missile arsenal serves a number of purposes in New Delhi’s defense strategy. Fundamentally, its ballistic missile arsenal is a means to deliver nuclear weapons to deter both Pakistan and China. The latter requirement has pushed India to develop longer range missiles and to diversify its delivery platforms

Should India’s strategic compulsion coerce India to develop its missile capability?

However, should India‟s strategic compulsion coerce India to develop so, New Delhi surely would go ahead with such capability. In addition, missile systems especially land-based systems would also need to be protected from enemy attacks.

Is India a member of missile technology control regime?

Since 2016, India has been a member of Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). The use of rockets for warfare in India has been recorded early as 18th century. Mysorean rockets were the first iron-cased rockets in world that were successfully deployed for military use.

How can India’s missile defense system be protected from enemy attacks?

In addition, missile systems especially land-based systems would also need to be protected from enemy attacks. While road and rail mobility are options, India is also working on a ballistic missile defense (BMD) system to intercept incoming enemy missile systems.