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Which is most effective coagulating agent for sb2s3?

Which is most effective coagulating agent for sb2s3?

Thus, `Al_2(SO_4)` is most effective coagulating agent for `Sb_2S_3` sol.

Which of the following is the most effective coagulant for sb2s3 Sol of na2so4 cacl2 al2 so4 3 and nh4cl electrolytes?

Solution : Most effective coagulating agent for `Sb_(2)S_(3)` is `Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3)` because of high charge.

Which of the following electrolytes is most effective coagulating agent for?

Fe(OH)3 is a positively charged sol. According to Hardy-Schulze rule, greater the charge on the oppositely charged ion of the electrolyte added, more effective it is in bringing about the coagulation. Hence, Na3PO4 (containing PO43− ions) is the most effective.

What is Silver formula?

Silver | Ag (Element) – PubChem.

Which of the following electrolyte will have maximum flocculation value for Fe OH 3 Sol?

Which of the following electrolyte will have maximum flocculation value for `Fe(OH)_(3)` sol? Solution : `Fe(OH)_(3)` is positively charged. Hence `Cl^(-)` ions with minimum opposite charge will have maximum flocculation value (minimum cagulating power).

Which among the following has maximum flocculating power for the coagulation of sb2s3 sol?

Al3+ has the highest positive charge, ie, +3, so it is more effective for the coagulation of AS2S3 sol.

Which of the following electrolyte will have maximum flocculation value for Fe OH 3 sol?

Which of the following electrolytes is the most effective for the coagulation of Fe OH 3 sol?

Hence Na₃PO₄ is most effective electrolyte for the coagulation of Fe(OH)₃ sol which is a positively charged sol.

Why is Tin called SN?

The symbol Sn for tin is an abbreviation of the Latin word for tin, stannum.

What are silver’s properties?

Pure silver is nearly white, lustrous, soft, very ductile, malleable, it is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. It is not a chemically active metal, but it is attacked by nitric acid (forming the nitrate) and by hot concentrated sulfuric acid.

Which of the following is the correct order of flocculating for the coagulation of positive ion?

Solution : `to` The order of coagulating ability of given ions with positive sols is `PO_(4)^(-3) gt SO_(4)^(-2) gt Cl^(-)`.

Which of the following ion has maximum coagulation value?

Arsenious sulphide is negatively charged saol, hence it will be coagulated be positive ion having maximum amount of charge hence, Al3+ have maximum coagulating power.