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Which are the examples of application servlet?

Which are the examples of application servlet?

The servlet example can be created by three ways: By implementing Servlet interface, By inheriting GenericServlet class, (or) By inheriting HttpServlet class….3)Compile the servlet.

Jar file Server
1) servlet-api.jar Apache Tomcat
2) weblogic.jar Weblogic
3) javaee.jar Glassfish
4) javaee.jar JBoss

What are the applications of servlet?

Applications of Servlet

  • Read the explicit data sent by the clients (browsers).
  • Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the clients (browsers).
  • Process the data and generate the results.
  • Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the clients (browsers).
  • Send the implicit HTTP response to the clients (browsers).

How can we create a web application using JSP and servlet?

Servlet and JSP Tutorial: Steps to Create Servlet

  1. Create a directory structure.
  2. Create a Servlet.
  3. Compile the Servlet.
  4. Add mappings to the web. xml file.
  5. Start the server and deploy the project.
  6. Access the servlet.

What is servlet and JSP used for?

Servlets are used to collect data from the users, for example, forms, and also to create web pages dynamically and present the results. JSP, Java Server Pages, is also a technology similar to the Servlets and is used to create web applications.

What is an example of a Web application?

Example of a web application Web applications include online forms, shopping carts, word processors, spreadsheets, video and photo editing, file conversion, file scanning, and email programs such as Gmail, Yahoo and AOL. Popular applications include Google Apps and Microsoft 365.

What is the difference between JSP and servlet?

Servlets can accept and process all type of protocol requests. JSP on the other hand is compatible with HTTP request only. In Servlet by default session management is not enabled, the user has to enable it explicitly. On the other hand in JSP session management is automatically enabled.

What is JSP in web application?

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a Java standard technology that enables you to write dynamic, data-driven pages for your Java web applications. JSP is built on top of the Java Servlet specification. The two technologies typically work together, especially in older Java web applications.

What is Servlet in Java with example?

Simply put, a Servlet is a class that handles requests, processes them and reply back with a response. For example, we can use a Servlet to collect input from a user through an HTML form, query records from a database, and create web pages dynamically.

What is web application example?

What is a servlet in Java with example?

Where we can use JSP?

It stands for Java Server Pages.

  • It is a server side technology.
  • It is used for creating web application.
  • It is used to create dynamic web content.
  • In this JSP tags are used to insert JAVA code into HTML pages.
  • It is an advanced version of Servlet Technology.
  • What is the use of employeeservlet in JSP?

    EmployeeServlet class handles all the request parameters and send to EmployeeDao class to save this data to the database. Let’s develop a complete step by step web application using a combination of JSP, Servlet, JDBC and MySQL database.

    What is servlet and how does it work?

    Now let’s dive deep into Servlets and understand its working mechanism. Servlet is a server-side Java program module that handles client requests and implements the servlet interface. Servlets can respond to any type of request, and they are commonly used to extend the applications hosted by web servers.

    Where do I hide JSP files in servlet?

    For instance, set it in the WEB-INF folder or its subdirectories. In this example, I hide the jsp files in the WEB-INF/views . When the user requests to a Servlet, it will dispose user’s requirements, such insert, update and query the data, eventually forward to the JSP page to display the data.

    What is the life cycle of a servlet?

    The entire life cycle of a servlet is managed by the Servlet container which uses the javax.servlet.Servlet interface to understand the Servlet object and manage it. Servlet Life Cycle: The Servlet life cycle mainly goes through four stages: